Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Wunderful Lizard of Oz: Remembering Unconditional Truth in A World of Deception

ONCE UPON A TIME a little boy had a dream. He dreamed of speaking to people and sharing with them his thoughts, feelings, and ideas. But he learned early on in life that when he spoke, some people listened, some ignored him, while a lot of them preferred that he do what he was told or remain silent. So he waited & remained silent for many many years until he was old enough, wise enough, and strong enough to speak again.

During those silent years he did as he was told, spoke as he was told, wrote what he was told, and receieved a bit of success with every task followed. Though he enjoyed what treasures he found, he remembered always his desire to speaking to people in a way that revealed his true thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

But what would happen if he took that road in search of expressing himself in a way that was different from what others expected and wanted? What would happend if he did not share in the same thoughts and feelings of his fellows? How would his life be different if he chose that road? He wondered and wondered and wondered day and night. He worried and worried for quite some time about his future.

And so one day he decided to leave the old world behind-a world that did not want him to share his truth. A world that wanted to him to serve their truth which he learned was simply a lie. Leaving that old world behind granted him a freedom he dreamed about as a kid and along the way he made new friends, was met with new experiences, and even learned new ideas. But even though he was living in a new world, his new life was still standing in an Old World that was filled with deception.

When he decided to take his new life back into the Old world, it was met with doubt and resistance by those who never left. Excited he was about everything he'd learned, he tried sharing with them his adventures but they did not understand. There were a few people that explored and discovered that New World as well but they were hiding. Those brave enough to step out & share were condemned and ridiculed for what they found.

"You are not what we thought you were. You are not what we expected. You can no longer remain here. Please leave. And don't ever come back...unless you do what we say!" And so the little boy, who was now a grown man, aged, left again that Old World he so imagined would be a place brand new because of his adventures and others like him. How can he live in a world of deception with his unconditional truth?

He chose to live free. He chose to leave it all behind...once again. He chose to let that world of lies, deception, and manipulation exist as it always had for whatever reasons that suited it purposes. And in letting go, he remembered the power of truth, the joy of freedom, and the beauty of choice. He remembered that it was not necessary for others to agree with him, listen to him, and follow his actions and words.

He remembered to enjoy the love for his own.