Saturday, November 19, 2011

"A Million Ideas..."

I have a million ideas in my mind,
And they spread themselves
All over the place.
Like a lovely virus in my brain,
They come with attraction
And elegant haste.
Some of them are incomplete,
Some of them are full,
Some come in the day,
And others the night-no bull.
They rain on my head
As I shower & clean.
They knock on my soul
From a beautiful dream
A million Ideas
So free,
so true
To an Open Mind
And A WELCOME sign saying:
"How do You do?"

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Third Person: Seeing the Sacred You...From A Distance

Lately, I've been speaking in 3rd person. It is my gradual shift and practice towards recognizing my bigger soul-all over again. That bigger soul holds everything that you are as precious and sacred to the universe. Yes, your life is sacred. Everything in life is sacred. Even those who act as profane, their creativity is sacred.

Through 3rd person speak, I can see myself from a more expansive POV, a greater perception. Perception is everything. You see yourself as having an experience as you create your experience. But who is the You that is creating? This is the journey. Many religious views hold that is God that you must give praise and thanks to. I won't argue with that. But if God is everything, then a chocolate cookie and glass of milk deserves my gratitude as much as the Wal-Mart associate, and hands that sewed my socks!

Back to 3rd person: It is as if I am watching myself in a movie. I am learning to be more aware of him, this personality called Maurice, and get to know him-inside and out-as I continue the journey of sharing my life with other souls. That's the power of 3rd person: Seeing things from the perspective and spirit of a dead man!

It's good practice. Frees him up from the old story of his life. Perhaps a switcheroo in his mind will be the fix. Stretch his personality and thinking. Gives him a bit of distance.

Try it out my friend on your happy travels.-M.L.F.