Sunday, February 22, 2015

What Kind Of Planet Is This????

What kind of planet is this where you tell me You like me, You think my work is good, You think my work is great, You think I am a good worker, a good 'employee' but You don't want to pay me fairly and decent for what I really deserve? What kind of planet is this where one person has a billion and another person can't afford a piece of bread? What kind of planet is this where rich Housewives fight, bitch, and complain while single mothers beg for pennies? What kind of planet is this where a person goes to prison for speaking the truth and another person is free for telling lies? What kind of planet is this where we punish those who stand and fight for justice and we reward those who perpetuate injustice? What kind of planet of this where people are slaving for hours for pennies while another person is cashing in on their enslavement? What kind of planet is this where a people are denied their basic rights and services and then are told they need help because they are going crazy from starvation? What kind of planet is this where you tell people 'Come on Get Happy' while they are suffering from unemployment, violence, poverty, police brutality, and can't even pay the rent? What kind of planet is this where you pay for water, light, breathing with an air conditioner? What kind of planet is this where you get paid millions for kicking a ball down the field, and bouncing down the court but you only get paid a little to teach hundreds of kids this in school? What kind of planet is this where we tell our children how much we love them when they come into this world but then we kick them out of the home because they don't want to play by our 'rules' and believe in what we believe? What kind of planet is this that feeds people until they are so fat and then tell them and sell them diets and programs for getting fit? What kind of planet is this that tells kids to stay in school but sells them stories of men and women who dropped out of school and became millionaires and billionaires? What kind of planet is this that tells young people to settle down but sells music and images of wild parties and drinking? What kind of planet is this that teaches people to go to school and get an education only to hear years later that your degree wasn't the 'right' degree? What kind of planet is this where billions of people believe in a God they believe is 'good' and 'right' but they fight over and use their God to justify their laws of discrimination, separation, condemnation, and mutilation? What kind of planet is this where people kill, deny, ignore, and condemn, reject those who speak the truth but cheer, accept, celebrate, and reward those who continue agreeing, believing, deceiving, and achieving so-called success under a lie? What kind of planet is this???????