Saturday, May 1, 2010

No Gurus Allowed!: Thoughts Of A Spiritual Dissident In Time

I don't go to church. I don't go to a temple. I don't go anywhere to pray or meditate with others. I don't read ancient sacred texts. I don't have a preacher, priest, psychologist, psychiatrist, psychic, counselor, that I share my deepest thoughts and feelings with-at least not anymore. And I don't have a guru. I don't have a teacher I sit on the floor and listen to like the children do in elementary schools. I don't. I just don't. Maybe you are one of them too. You have people's teachings, ideas, or wisdom that you enjoy. And that's different. So together we don't.


I don't listen to self-help tapes anymore. I don't go to self-help seminars, conferences, workshops anymore. Years ago I worked as a volunteer for this popular company that holds these big consciousness conferences every year. I was able to get an inside look into the hidden world of these kinds of productions. And that's what they are: productions. Like a movie. But before the presenters and particpants arrive, there is a lot of office complaints about work, backstabbing, and money-worrying going on. Those conferences can be expensive for the layman and creating them is a lot of headache. Some workshops I attended were nothing excitng just the usual ga-ga goo-goo aspect of it all, and people with lots of questions about life and the well-known teacher, author, I-GOT-A-JOB-with-a-special-degree or special-hat-on my-head person. Or somebody most people have never heard of. I did it. Been there, done that, wrote the book, seen the movie!


Well, for years I was one of those kind persons who stepped into many worlds of relgiion and spirituality. But I kept the gurus out of the door. I just didn't buy into it. And I've always been someone who had questions about it all. Whether it was Jesus-on-the-cross story, myths of heaven & hell, Buddha's nirvana, I'd always felt a bit removed from it all. Sure I checked it out, stepped into the room, sat with nice folks, but always kept my eye on the EXIT sign afterwards!


I realized something important that I sense some people like myself are realizing: THE TRUTH IS NOT OUT THERE. I'm not gonna bore you such a familar tale: Search for truth. Believed it was out there. Met the teachers. Spent money on them. Felt something. Got a little something. Still unhappy. Tried it again. Still unhappy. What is wrong with me? I would think. Answer: Maurice it is not out there. But still I kept on looking like an idiot.

Here's another one: NOBODY HAS EVER TOLD THE TRUTH. So what about the greatest teachers, spiritual, known, and unknown who spent their lives devoted to exploring and speaking the truth? Though they may quote ancient texts, given birth to them, have millions of followers, no teacher has ever spoken to share. At most they have provided self-realizations, which we perceive as the truth, which have become the basis for greatest spiritual teachings in the world. But the truth is beyond words. Hard to grasp when you are hypnotized by the teachers and the passion behind their words.

And this one: THE TRUTH IS NOT IN A BOOK. I love books. I love books with the most deepest wisdom, knowledge, and information known to man. But at most what books offer are ideas about reality, experiences, stories, and they so they become like roadmaps in a way. Not the truth. They are just a part of the journey. Not the destination. Perhaps you are someone who knows this already.


See, here's what I am saying: THE TRUTH CAN ONLY BE EXPERIENCED. If you believe somebody is telling you the truth, then you are mistaken. The truth is within you, and not outside of you. The preacher is interpreting his or her ideas from the Bible. The guru is translating his or her experiences with Self-Realization. Again, it is not The Truth. It is more closer to being something like a weather report, news, a lecture, a speech, but not the Truth.

So then 'What is the TRUTH?' If I told you the truth, I wouldn't be telling the truth, right? I would but I wouldn't. I know its a paradox. You may also ask: What is wrong with people adoring someone who is filled with light, love, compassion, for humanity? What is wrong with going to someone for help? Absolutely nothing. We all could use some help along the way. We all look to someone who represents a bigger part of us like celebrities do. It's the elitist & shadow part that is a bit off. These teachers, gurus, spiritual leaders who are involved in shadowy stuff that the public doesn't know about unless it is exposed.

For instance, In 2005, Eli Jaxson-Bear, spiritual teacher and husband of Gangaji, a famous spiritual teacher in Ashland, Oregon confessed to having a 3-year affair with his assistant. It was the Tiger Woods sex scandal of the spiritual community. It didn't make front page of major newspapers, CNN, BBC, or anything but it rocked the hearts of devotees and people who were part of Gangaji-Eli community. They felt betrayed and some even more after learning that Gangaji stayed with Eli. But hey, nobody's perfect, right?


I've heard something people say 'You are your own guru' and that is probably the closest to the truth. You are your own Teacher as you share in the grand wisdom of others. You are your own Master. You are your own Comforter. Decider. You are neither above others or below others. You just simply are. And now is the time for this teaching to be heard more than ever. To remember: Just Be. Free. And See. To be continued...maybe.

"Whoever wants truth and light will find it for themselves."-Richard Bach

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, yes... I agree with you. But (you knew that was coming) sometimes the books, the DVDs, the seminars, all of it, actually provide external validation of things one discovers within ones self. There are even useful tools for those just beginning the path of self-discovery.

While I am anti-guru, I am not anti-teacher. Sometimes we need a mentor when setting out in uncharted territory.

As far as the money-making, buy my product and find all the answers, do everything as I say gurus... yeah, I avoid those types.