Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Live Free And Silly!

I am free to be me. I am free to be me.
I live free. And feel silly.
I am free to choose my life.
I think free.
I create my own history.
I create my own life.
I am not a husband,
And I don't own a wife.
I define my own universe.
Here I am. Living, breathing,
Knowing, going, creating,
I am what I choose to be.
Free. I like me.
I am a different history.
I am free to be me.
I am free to be me.
I am free to be me.
Nothing defines me:
Religion, medicine, education, race,
Politics, and all those human things.
I am what I choose to be.
I am that I am.
I am soul living as flesh.
But I am soul more than flesh.
Can you find me? I have no history.
Not in books, tv, movies, magizines,
I am not a mystery. Simply breathe
And you will see. I am. Feel. I am. Real.
A silly self you see.
I am many things, many worlds, many places,
Living among boys and girls.
Beautiful creation. An imperfect perfect design.
In my time I live with an open mind
In this world, as body, my soul evolves,
Expanding, knowing, showing, growing, flowing,
Unto the further reaches of humanity,
Rising I am not a mystery.
I am the river. I am the mountains.
I am the sky. I am the sun. I am the light.
I am the earth. I am you.
I am me. I am that I am.
I am what I choose to be.
I am feeling the silly
Just breathe and fly with me.
And live free!

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