Sunday, February 22, 2015

What Kind Of Planet Is This????

What kind of planet is this where you tell me You like me, You think my work is good, You think my work is great, You think I am a good worker, a good 'employee' but You don't want to pay me fairly and decent for what I really deserve? What kind of planet is this where one person has a billion and another person can't afford a piece of bread? What kind of planet is this where rich Housewives fight, bitch, and complain while single mothers beg for pennies? What kind of planet is this where a person goes to prison for speaking the truth and another person is free for telling lies? What kind of planet is this where we punish those who stand and fight for justice and we reward those who perpetuate injustice? What kind of planet of this where people are slaving for hours for pennies while another person is cashing in on their enslavement? What kind of planet is this where a people are denied their basic rights and services and then are told they need help because they are going crazy from starvation? What kind of planet is this where you tell people 'Come on Get Happy' while they are suffering from unemployment, violence, poverty, police brutality, and can't even pay the rent? What kind of planet is this where you pay for water, light, breathing with an air conditioner? What kind of planet is this where you get paid millions for kicking a ball down the field, and bouncing down the court but you only get paid a little to teach hundreds of kids this in school? What kind of planet is this where we tell our children how much we love them when they come into this world but then we kick them out of the home because they don't want to play by our 'rules' and believe in what we believe? What kind of planet is this that feeds people until they are so fat and then tell them and sell them diets and programs for getting fit? What kind of planet is this that tells kids to stay in school but sells them stories of men and women who dropped out of school and became millionaires and billionaires? What kind of planet is this that tells young people to settle down but sells music and images of wild parties and drinking? What kind of planet is this that teaches people to go to school and get an education only to hear years later that your degree wasn't the 'right' degree? What kind of planet is this where billions of people believe in a God they believe is 'good' and 'right' but they fight over and use their God to justify their laws of discrimination, separation, condemnation, and mutilation? What kind of planet is this where people kill, deny, ignore, and condemn, reject those who speak the truth but cheer, accept, celebrate, and reward those who continue agreeing, believing, deceiving, and achieving so-called success under a lie? What kind of planet is this???????

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Imaginable Life: Notes From My Inner Self (For Now)

These are notes from my inner self...reminders on the journey of life:

Stay grounded.
Listen to your dreams and visions and practice using them to assist you in creating a better life & world.
Use your conscious mind to make decisions that lead you in the direction of your dreams.
Keep to feelings of love & compassion within. They always come handy.
Allow yourself to be as you are.

You are a light, a shining light, beyond and within your world.
See the world and all its events as a mirror of many worlds within your being.
What reflects your highest thoughts and feelings?

Bless every soul you meet and share your joys and loves with them and every living creature on Earth.
Remember life is a gift no matter what your circumstances or dimension you live in.

Understand the official reality as being a reality based upon limiting ideas of the self as you encounter individuals who have allowed themselves to live in limitations.
Imagine surrounding yourself with people who are intelligent, conscious, aware, honest, warm, open, accepting and loving as you are imagining yourself to be.

This is the imaginable life.
Imagine what you want.
To be, do, or have.
Now imagine everything you want is already there.
Just imagine things getting better...

"No matter how qualified or deserving you are, you will never reach a better life until you can imagine it for yourself, and allow yourself to have it."-Richard Bach

Happy imaginings!-M.L.F.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Even A Christ Loves Balloons: Thoughts On A New Year's Resurrection

I'm sure you can think about the best and worst events of 2011, in your personal and professional life, or someone else's life. You can think about how tough the days were, how your life and someone's life was becoming more and more difficult to handle, or maybe the opposite was true: your life began to get better, or you were witnessing someone else's life improving. It was a year full of sheer excitement, amazing adventures, positive news, and enlightening events.

I won't bore you with the details of my 2011 life adventures. However, I will say this: It was a year of allowing myself to receive new ideas, remember things I'd forgotten, and connect with greater aspects of myself. It was a year of helping family and friends. It was a year of reminding friends how valuable their lives are just as much as the people they worship perhaps.

2011 was a year of embracing abundance and the beauty of being in a physical body. It was remembering that there is an important lesson in accepting myself as a physical creature on Earth. It was a year of prosperity and trusting in the goodness of the universe. It was a year of witnessing millions of people stand up for what they believe in. It was a year of getting grounded and doing the work. It was a year of being in the wisdom of knowing there are wonderful tools and teachers from all walks of life who can assist us in developing ourselves as spiritual beings. It was a year of moments of despair and despondency. It was a year of renewal and remembering.

Also, when I reflect upon '2011,' I think about the 'un-events'-the events that did not take place, in this world, the probable events of my soul, events happening on the other side of time and space-and how they affect my journey this years as much as the events I gave birth to. Now this may sound a bit strange. If you are used to thinking of life in linear terms, then I understand. There are many many choices that I considered making that were not manifested. They live in another dimension somewhere else, in parallel universes. But I will save that discussion for another 'time.'

As we slide into another new year, our ego will also shift, collapse, rise, fall, melt, merge, and shift again individually, and collectively into greater realizations of being. Perhaps, you have experienced something in yourself this year that is 'dead' and seeks transformation-death of a job, relationship, beliefs, or your perspective. Perhaps this year, you were buried in the grave of old beliefs, feelings, and experiences, and now you are waking up. And maybe, just maybe that 'death' experience is creating an awakening inside of You.

I don't know you. That is true. I am an explorer, a multidimensional soul, from another side of the universe, another time, another space, who enjoys creating, imagining, and sharing ideas as usual. Whatever your dreams are, it is my intention to continuing creating a space for joy and courage in manifesting your personal vision, though the journey may be long. The time has come. The party is about to begin!

So, cheers to your resurrection in the New Year, my friend. Even a Christ loves balloons. Happy New Year!!! Love, love-M.L.F.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Kiss of The Reptilians: Using Dreams To Overcome Fear

In an age of paranoia and fear, one must continue to use all their resources to escape the tyranny of insanity and people's dogma. On the journey I've found the ability to use dreams as therapy and a powerful source of visioning probable realities. In the past few days, I've found myself personal questions that relate to this spiritual journey. Before I go to sleep, I ask a question. Sometimes I write them down in my journal, while other times I simply allow my mind to sit with the question, feel it out.

There is a lot of talk in alternative spiritual circles of reptilians, particularly, readers of world-renowned author and lecturer David Icke's books and other metaphysical teachers. I cannot say wholeheartedly there are reptilians ruling the world. What I can speak for is my own confrontation with my fears. Recently, those fears have led me to encounter the reptilian race in the dream state who are represented by crocodiles, alligators, and snakes. I've witnessed them in those worlds and they surround our planet, not with threats but with a presence that involves growth and recognition.

In my dreams, I've walked into the family of reptiles and stood before them face-to-face. They did not speak and many of them were smothered in the bowels of this earth, covered in the mud of earth's dreams; others were dead. The snakes are alive and react immediately to the presence of love. I wanted to know more about fear, and my own.

The reptilian race exist in a parallel world made of dreams and they have survived through their ability to camouflage themselves across the earth. Their journey is a dark reality that blinds them, and leads them to encounter souls who can assist them along the path of spiritual growth. They are not entirely dark, but they have come to represent the 'dark' side of our beliefs and attitudes about ourselves, bodies, emotions, and physical world.

My dream encounters with the reptilian race has helped to face my own fears. You have to learn to be brave in a world full of fear-based thoughts, feelings, and attitudes. To use dreams as therapy allows you to prevent the manifestation of a physical event that may bring illness, disease, and death. Using dreams to overcome your fears can become a powerful tool for remembering what you are, and creating what you want. There are many books, teachers, techniques, and programs out there that also can help you overcome your fears. I just find dreams an easy approach to dealing with my challenges. Plus its free!

So look within. Ask the questions that are important to you. Your dreams will answer. The symbols will speak to your soul. Then you make peace with the world. You use the energy of fear for spiritual growth. That's the kiss of the reptilians. Being present with your fears and the fears of the world is a recipe for freedom. Only you can make your own escape.

Happy travels, my friend.-M.L.F

Saturday, November 19, 2011

"A Million Ideas..."

I have a million ideas in my mind,
And they spread themselves
All over the place.
Like a lovely virus in my brain,
They come with attraction
And elegant haste.
Some of them are incomplete,
Some of them are full,
Some come in the day,
And others the night-no bull.
They rain on my head
As I shower & clean.
They knock on my soul
From a beautiful dream
A million Ideas
So free,
so true
To an Open Mind
And A WELCOME sign saying:
"How do You do?"

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Third Person: Seeing the Sacred You...From A Distance

Lately, I've been speaking in 3rd person. It is my gradual shift and practice towards recognizing my bigger soul-all over again. That bigger soul holds everything that you are as precious and sacred to the universe. Yes, your life is sacred. Everything in life is sacred. Even those who act as profane, their creativity is sacred.

Through 3rd person speak, I can see myself from a more expansive POV, a greater perception. Perception is everything. You see yourself as having an experience as you create your experience. But who is the You that is creating? This is the journey. Many religious views hold that is God that you must give praise and thanks to. I won't argue with that. But if God is everything, then a chocolate cookie and glass of milk deserves my gratitude as much as the Wal-Mart associate, and hands that sewed my socks!

Back to 3rd person: It is as if I am watching myself in a movie. I am learning to be more aware of him, this personality called Maurice, and get to know him-inside and out-as I continue the journey of sharing my life with other souls. That's the power of 3rd person: Seeing things from the perspective and spirit of a dead man!

It's good practice. Frees him up from the old story of his life. Perhaps a switcheroo in his mind will be the fix. Stretch his personality and thinking. Gives him a bit of distance.

Try it out my friend on your happy travels.-M.L.F.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

On Spiritual Maturity Pt. 2

In Part 1, I spoke about moving towards a place of spiritual maturity that doesn't rely on external authority-a teacher, a religion, an -ism, a book, or any system that comes with rules or dogma. So what does it look like? How would spiritual maturity show up in your life?

One of the things I've recognized is how much we live in a society that is built on the need for approval. Spiritual maturity goes beyond the need for approval and leads you to self-approval while allowing others to be on their path. As a famous spiritual teacher and author says, and I paraphrase, you don't go pissing on people, no matter how much they don't approve of you or you disagree with them. You don't need people to validate your ideas and dreams although you might feel the anxiety and pain of loneliness around people who don't 'get you.' You learn to respect others as you respect your own journey and where you are.

Spiritual maturity is integration and transcendence, simultaneously. You learn to be in this world, serve people, animals, Nature, as part of the path of expanding your consciousness. You can work in the office or restaurant with conscious awareness, or mindfulness. As you do, you are going to face bumpy roads. You are going to meet shadows and how you handle it makes all the difference. Spiritual maturity is facing those shadows without the whiny part. Whining and complaining about injustice, unfairness, only creates more injustice and unfairness.

Yes, the system can be cruel, people greedy, violent, but you don't let it rain on your parade, as the saying goes. You embrace the dark that you see 'out there' as evidence and aspects of your own soul, God, Source, and a world that is still maturing. You take charge of your life while obeying the rules of the game, at the same time.

There is a comedy in that kind of consciousness, an awareness that you begin to feel, and know as you grow spiritually. Forget trying to please the world, family members, lovers, co-workers. See if you can be okay with the new self that others is emerging. There is a beauty in that blossoming forward, a surprise element springs forth from your being, and your life transforms.

This spiritual awakening becomes an ordinary and natural part of life. For example, you walk into a store like Wal-Mart and you notice the people, the place, the items, and your feelings about it. You don't hate Wal-Mart or the people for working and shopping there. You accept its reality, and see beyond Wal-Mart corporation and all the horrible things you have heard, read, and experienced with Wal-Mart.

Now, you are not denying your angry feelings, or disgust for Wal-Mart. You let those feelings come through you and move on. You look at it and see what's down there in you, where it is come from, that anger, disgust, and you will be surprised what you will find when you do. You respect people and the place no matter how you feel about it. Again, you don't go pissing on the parade. As a spiritual mature soul, you work to create beauty in something that is nasty and ugly. You greet the associates and strangers as much as they greet and take care of you. You choose to create a unique experience that goes beyond the 'facts.' Ultimately, you will grow confident in choosing to be and feel different about something others perceive as negative or 'bad.'

It is a never-ending challenge that is full of heartaches, disappointments, rejections, indeed. But there is something healing and important to learn from all the things you perceive as wrong with yourself and the world. At first, you feel the impulse to protest that darkness, that 'evil' out there, but then you soften up a bit, and cradle that old wound, that stored pain you want to heal so badly. You learn to walk away more and more from the problems 'out there' and live from 'in here' because that is the 'real world.'

I'm the last person to tell you how to live your life. So much in this world speaks of pain and sorrow. But there is a beauty and goodness here as well. That beauty is grace in a blossoming consciousness that is You. It is the emerging You who is expanding through your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in this lifetime. It is You remembering something you had forgotten long time ago. Perhaps you are someone who understands beyond these words I've written.

The maturity I speak of is a celestial one. It is remembering why you came here to Earth, how to work through your challenges, how to resolve conflict, and make your life work for you. There are many people, tools, and skills available along the way.

That's the cool part about these times. Well, happy travels on the path, my friend.-M.L.F