Thursday, October 27, 2011

On Spiritual Maturity Pt. 2

In Part 1, I spoke about moving towards a place of spiritual maturity that doesn't rely on external authority-a teacher, a religion, an -ism, a book, or any system that comes with rules or dogma. So what does it look like? How would spiritual maturity show up in your life?

One of the things I've recognized is how much we live in a society that is built on the need for approval. Spiritual maturity goes beyond the need for approval and leads you to self-approval while allowing others to be on their path. As a famous spiritual teacher and author says, and I paraphrase, you don't go pissing on people, no matter how much they don't approve of you or you disagree with them. You don't need people to validate your ideas and dreams although you might feel the anxiety and pain of loneliness around people who don't 'get you.' You learn to respect others as you respect your own journey and where you are.

Spiritual maturity is integration and transcendence, simultaneously. You learn to be in this world, serve people, animals, Nature, as part of the path of expanding your consciousness. You can work in the office or restaurant with conscious awareness, or mindfulness. As you do, you are going to face bumpy roads. You are going to meet shadows and how you handle it makes all the difference. Spiritual maturity is facing those shadows without the whiny part. Whining and complaining about injustice, unfairness, only creates more injustice and unfairness.

Yes, the system can be cruel, people greedy, violent, but you don't let it rain on your parade, as the saying goes. You embrace the dark that you see 'out there' as evidence and aspects of your own soul, God, Source, and a world that is still maturing. You take charge of your life while obeying the rules of the game, at the same time.

There is a comedy in that kind of consciousness, an awareness that you begin to feel, and know as you grow spiritually. Forget trying to please the world, family members, lovers, co-workers. See if you can be okay with the new self that others is emerging. There is a beauty in that blossoming forward, a surprise element springs forth from your being, and your life transforms.

This spiritual awakening becomes an ordinary and natural part of life. For example, you walk into a store like Wal-Mart and you notice the people, the place, the items, and your feelings about it. You don't hate Wal-Mart or the people for working and shopping there. You accept its reality, and see beyond Wal-Mart corporation and all the horrible things you have heard, read, and experienced with Wal-Mart.

Now, you are not denying your angry feelings, or disgust for Wal-Mart. You let those feelings come through you and move on. You look at it and see what's down there in you, where it is come from, that anger, disgust, and you will be surprised what you will find when you do. You respect people and the place no matter how you feel about it. Again, you don't go pissing on the parade. As a spiritual mature soul, you work to create beauty in something that is nasty and ugly. You greet the associates and strangers as much as they greet and take care of you. You choose to create a unique experience that goes beyond the 'facts.' Ultimately, you will grow confident in choosing to be and feel different about something others perceive as negative or 'bad.'

It is a never-ending challenge that is full of heartaches, disappointments, rejections, indeed. But there is something healing and important to learn from all the things you perceive as wrong with yourself and the world. At first, you feel the impulse to protest that darkness, that 'evil' out there, but then you soften up a bit, and cradle that old wound, that stored pain you want to heal so badly. You learn to walk away more and more from the problems 'out there' and live from 'in here' because that is the 'real world.'

I'm the last person to tell you how to live your life. So much in this world speaks of pain and sorrow. But there is a beauty and goodness here as well. That beauty is grace in a blossoming consciousness that is You. It is the emerging You who is expanding through your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in this lifetime. It is You remembering something you had forgotten long time ago. Perhaps you are someone who understands beyond these words I've written.

The maturity I speak of is a celestial one. It is remembering why you came here to Earth, how to work through your challenges, how to resolve conflict, and make your life work for you. There are many people, tools, and skills available along the way.

That's the cool part about these times. Well, happy travels on the path, my friend.-M.L.F

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