Sunday, June 15, 2008

"As for me all I know is nothing"

As I've been saying to close friends for a long time and now I am teaching others: perception is everything. We live in a world where our perspectives and worldviews are shaped by the media, schools, corporations, and religious institutions. Only a fool has to believe that what they see is real. Yes, a fool is someone who is hypnotized by their own beliefs that they can no longer see that they tricking themselves. Ultimately, the fool will see the truth of their ways and step back again into the light of All.

For many perception is a matter of artists and scientists. Rarely, do we teach children how to develop their perceptions. We think that how we view the world is true and others are wrong. Steady do we remain in our beliefs because they are safe. Little does a man or woman admit they are wrong in how they view the world. Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher once said, "As for me, all I know is nothing." For years, I paraded myself through the halls of many schools and studied with many teachers, claiming afterwards, a knowledge of men and the world, believing that I knew what lies in the hearts of people.

Today I can say: I do not know. I cannot say what is best for another. I cannot say what is right for humanity. The world will have its way after I am gone from this time and space. So what does this have to do with peception and knowing? I feel our way of seeing the world serves us in many ways. It offers us the keys to a greater truth even in our own lies. So we deny ourselves the truth through our own beliefs because truth is indeed greater than fiction. The lies we tell ourselves protects us from the power of truth. The pain and struggles we experience in our life are designed to awaken us to a greater truth and responsibiity. That truth is within every living thing, every form of consciousness, every soul that takes upon physical flesh.

I write these words not because I expect men from years hence to read and peruse their meaning, but to live as others have done. I write that I may find in my words a power beyond their own meaning...I write to know that within my being is a truth beyond belief, a knowing in the remember another time in the records of my soul...for I walk among the lives of men and notice their ways...and find the source of all living in my reflections.

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