Saturday, February 27, 2010

Stop Using Your Mind!

Stop using your mind. Let somebody else use it for you. Don't take responsibility for anything. Let others take responsibility. Be lazy. Be as lazy as a stoner on a treadmill. Let people tell you how to think. Let them tell you how to live. Stop reading self-help books. Or those silly tapes. Spend your money on things you don't need. Eat foods that will make you pee 'til you blue, and crap 'til you're green in the face. Pray for celebrities. They are more special than you. They are going to save the world. Not you.

Quit your day job. Do something you really don't like. Give up listening to people who say 'you can have what you want' and 'you can do it.' Don't answer the phone when your best friends call. They always, always want something. And go to sleep @ 3am and wake up @ 5.

Watch lots of TV. Keep flipping channels until you find something you don't like. Watch people talk about themselves and how their products can work for you. Listen to the radio stations with Booty Music all day. Then change the channel and listen to the Quiet Music, aka Wimp Sounds. After you've done that, go to the store and buy something you don't need. Just buy it! Buy things that are useless useful as you don't think of using it forever.

Don't read any books. They are going out of style. Don't think about what you read. Maybe you can tell people to be literate because there are a lot of illiterate people. How do you know? You were told by doctors that you are illiterate. Just get your information from Internet and TV. They are the best sources.

Don't think of dying. Imagine you are going to live forever. You are better than your neighbors. You are more important than them. Even your kids will scratch their heads and wonder why you are still alive! You are a god in the suburbs, in the community, on the job, and in the world. You are immortal.

Believe what the media tells you, and don't go checking up things on the Internet. Cheater. I told you to STOP USING YOUR MIND! Don't ask questions. Don't challenge people, please. Don't do anything that will ROCK THE BOAT! Don't question your parents, your kids, your boss, your friends, your lovers, your schools, your churches, your politicians, your leaders, your god...especially your gods! Dont' ask questions. Cheat the answers. Don't think.

REMINDER: Again, don't take responsibility for anything. Let others do it. Blame it on the white people, the politicians, the terrorists, your parents, the gay people, the liberals, the blacks, the teachers, the military, just BLAME IT ON SOMEBODY ELSE! Don't forgive your parents, your ex-lovers, your family, your friends, and your gods. Don't let it go. Keep holding on to the pain, and anger you feel. The doctors say its good for you.

And don't change. Let other people change. And don't love others. Just move as fast as you can away from people. They are scary. You can't trust people. You know what happens when you tried to love people: you got the door in your face. Don't help others. Let them help themselves. They don't want your help anyway. Don't pay attention to others because if you do you will be distracted. You will be obsessed with them. They will ask for you to sign up and follow them.

Don't trust your intution. There is no such thing. Trust other people's judgment. They know better than you. They are smarter than you. Like your doctors and politicians. And businessmen. Your leaders are more powerful than you. They are so much smarter and powerful. Don't be powerful, be powerless. Don't listen to people who talk about feeling good, and doing what you want, living free, and peace. Especially the peace sign-imagine-let's all love each other-people. Close your eyes to them. Keep driving!!!

Don't listen to your inner voice. Don't be loving, intelligent, real, aware, down to earth, challenging, curious, transcendental, compassionate, open, successful, idealistic, crazy, bizarre, weird, and outrageous. Don't be yourself. Be someone else. Dream of being someone else. Live in their shoes. Do anything except BE YOURSELF!

And finally: A mind is a wonderful thing to waste. What were you thinking? Stop! Don't!

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