Monday, May 10, 2010

The End of The Age of Conspiracy...At Least For Me!

I'm thinking of joining ConspirAnon, or Conspiracy Anonymous. I've heard they rehabilitate recovering conspiracy addicts. Have you heard of them? Ok. You probably haven't. Why? They don't exist...But its a nice idea don't you think? Or I'm going cold turkey. Either way its time for the letting go.

Maybe you are one of them. You've read the books & articles, watched the movies, videos, providing with you the most 'enlightening' 'thought-provoking' information in our world today. Maybe you heard of or read David Icke, Alex Jones, Jim Marrs, Jordan Maxwell, "The Father of Conspiracy Research," and all the green-bloods out there. The whistleblowers. Or maybe you haven't. Doesn't matter. They have compiled thousands and thousands of pages of research information, DVDs, tapes, and videos about what they have come to perceive as a history filled with the greatest lies, disinformation, and deceptions in the world. Check them out. Yes, their messages are important. Yes, the information is valuable and liberating. Decide for yourself.

I'm not against that kind of information. Its just I've reached a breaking point. For many years I've been a sort of conspiracy traveler buying almost every enlightening conspiracy book I could buy, and watching the movies they won't show you on TV or at the movies. I was that in-the closet conspiracy info guy who whispered in cafes the familiar vocabulary of ConspiraSpeak:

'Manipulation'...'Illuminati'...'Freemasons,'...'the truth'...'Reptilian' and that word we hear the most 'THE MEDIA'(spoken in baritone). Perhaps you know what I'm saying.

And to me that means this is where I break off. I'm not against it or for it. Its there if you want to learn about how we have created this mess we're in. Its 'out there'(and I say that in a baritone). But I've realized that we are co-creating this world and so that means we have all agreed to participate in creating every event in our lives, world, and histories. WE not just them. WE agreed to it. Even the terror, horrific stuff. Unconscious agreements are the most painful. Conscious agreements give us hope. We can consciously choose how we want to experience this world.

So, I know it is the end of the age of conspiracy-at least for me. I've been fooling myself. I agreed to this game. This illusion. I bought into it. It was time to wake up. But waking up doesn't mean blaming anybody. Yes, there are people that must be accountable for their actions. But so must we WHO POINT THE FINGERS. And one day 'they' will if not now. But I can't blame anybody else. Long, long time ago I chose to be here and experience the illusion. But here is what's interesting: ILLUSIONS CAN CHANGE. And so I consciously choose to change the illusion. I am switching gears. And I'm going to stop blaming God, the priest, the ex-girlfriend, teachers, presidents, businessman, and bankers. I'm going to stop blaming you.

See I created this conspiracy against myself long long time ago. I signed up for it. I forgot myself. I forgot the truth of Myself. I became hypnotized by the razzmatazz, body, the sex, the money, the drugs, the lights, camera, and action. And for good reason. I won't indulge you with my Life Story which is only a part of the story.

Is this the end of the age of conspiracy? Yes. For me. There is no "Us vs. Them." There is no "Me against the The World." Its the end of my conspiracy against myself. I'm not going to fight Myself. Them. Maybe you will disagree. Maybe you will say "Keep on fighting Maurice" No. I surrender. I'm letting go. Its the end of dualism. Takes practice. Takes time to realize: The habit of letting go.

I'd rather take a walk up a hill, sit there and watch the wind pass as I gaze into the eyes of the great big blue sky that never ends like the light of the suns and moons that stretches miles and miles across the infinite heavens of my soul.

And over that hill I see a new beginning, new worlds, undiscovered by the eye, as ancient as Time, and in those worlds, dreams come alive, visions are born, heavens are made...with chuckles, giggles, & silly wiggles. :)

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