Sunday, May 25, 2008

New Love, New Life

Though we are faced with so many challenges and surrounded by many beliefs, we are never left without seeing a way out. There is a way out. There is a way through it all. You can create a new life with a new love. We are not left abandoned by an unseen God or riddled by a malicious devil. We are capable of creating a new life through seeing what is important to us. When we act with integrity and use those resources available, we discover a world beyond our imagination.

Many people are critical of themselves, their loved ones, co-workers, and the world. They expect the world to be a certain way, to live up to their ideals, and when it does not, they hate the world for its imperfections. We have all been in the thick and thin and work hard at making our dreams come true. Can dreams come true? Can you truly create a life of love and freedom, peace, and beauty?

YES! Everything we imagine is a hair split away...a breath away...a thought how do we create is real now...feel it...see it...know it...grow it...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Individual and mass events

Now there are many who believe in the official story of consciousness and your world. They try to explain world events in terms of religious and scientific reasons. Recently, 35,000 people(maybe more)died in the China earthquake. Nobody can expect such events happening. However, I sense that there is an expectation within the people who died: they expected freedom, a kind of liberation from the tick-tock realities they are enslaved too. Their emotional realities were hidden from the world. What did they believe about themselves and the world? And the children? What did they feel? The families and people hit were the lower-middle class of China. They were families struggling to take care of their children and provide them with the best their educational system had to offer.

The media rushes to report the events: how many died, how much it is going to cost, what will the governemnt and its leaders do, and the other familar voices and faces that will be involved. It is as if though a cosmic play is being created by those involved through a complicated network of beliefs and ideas intricately woven through many souls.

Here is where I break away: we have not looked closely at the power of expectation and thoughts. We are living in a world that is bombarded with news reports on the TRAGEDIES ABOUT THEM. We wake up and read reports after reports about THEM-look at what great tragedy happened to them. And so what does this mean?

We live in a such world where we teach the power of personal reality and the power of the individual and thoughts. I think what we see in other countries is the power of mass consciousness to create and experience events. This is what the group can do: create events as a group consciousness. In America, we act individually and have to learn to be a family whereas in other countries they cannot afford the luxury of such individualism. Teacher and author Stuart Wilde once said, 'The wealth of a nation is the individual man.'

Though we preach democratic ideals, these ideals about the rights of the individual have been eroded by limiting ideas such as the belief in a flawed self, the sinful self, good and evil, might is right, any means necessary to achieve an end, survival of the fittest. And perhaps the most pervasive belief that we are taught is that the self is limited and that we are flawed.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Focus, focus, focus!

Your life is indeed its own focus. Your brain focuses upon its personal reality through the beliefs that you hold. You get what you focus upon. We are taught in our society to focus upon this, focus upon that, and so much of it is stuff that is meaningless to the individual. What does this have to do with anything? We are taught as children that this is what must be important to us rather than asking us what is really important. Now we are given these beliefs for a reason as a directional tool for early growth and development and survival.

For many people their earlier childhood beliefs and experiences continue to dominate their adult experiences. Others learn to develop themselves and shift their focuses upon those personal interests and desires. Traces of childhood beliefs are evident in their particular view of life and themselves. Many people only see themselves through the lens of past experiences or future expectations. Rarely is the focus on the present and its point of power. Most people are bombarded with daily issues of survival, struggle, and conflict, or even hedonistic tendencies. Others are engaged in creative acts of adventure whether spiritual, scientific, intellectual, or emotional. You get what you focus upon.

Change your focus, you change your life and the experiences that follow. To master anything you want, focus, focus, and keep on focusing. The more you focus, you bring into physical reality, your desires. The world you observe is simply a focus and expectation. Focus upon what you want and watch your dreams come true!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sex and Plants

Today I woke up thinking about my plant and sex. My plant name is Samantha and I wondered whether she was affected by the sexual energy in my apartment. Is her consciousness impacted by the presence of sexual energy. Do they grow and live longer and healthier through exposure to human sexual energy? Its a thought, a playful one that I've been thinking about lately.

Does she enjoy being in the presence of passionate lovemaking? What does it feel like to be there standing with your leaves spread out? So much love in the room? Can you just think about that for a second? Surely, if Samantha The Plant is life and consciousness then it must be that her being is also in tuned with the presence of human beings engaged in the sexual act.

Just a thought...