Friday, May 16, 2008

Focus, focus, focus!

Your life is indeed its own focus. Your brain focuses upon its personal reality through the beliefs that you hold. You get what you focus upon. We are taught in our society to focus upon this, focus upon that, and so much of it is stuff that is meaningless to the individual. What does this have to do with anything? We are taught as children that this is what must be important to us rather than asking us what is really important. Now we are given these beliefs for a reason as a directional tool for early growth and development and survival.

For many people their earlier childhood beliefs and experiences continue to dominate their adult experiences. Others learn to develop themselves and shift their focuses upon those personal interests and desires. Traces of childhood beliefs are evident in their particular view of life and themselves. Many people only see themselves through the lens of past experiences or future expectations. Rarely is the focus on the present and its point of power. Most people are bombarded with daily issues of survival, struggle, and conflict, or even hedonistic tendencies. Others are engaged in creative acts of adventure whether spiritual, scientific, intellectual, or emotional. You get what you focus upon.

Change your focus, you change your life and the experiences that follow. To master anything you want, focus, focus, and keep on focusing. The more you focus, you bring into physical reality, your desires. The world you observe is simply a focus and expectation. Focus upon what you want and watch your dreams come true!

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