Friday, March 27, 2009

Facing what you are

All my life I'd been running away from myself. As a child, I was highly sensitive,feminine in a male body, psychic, intuitive, yet strong, warrior-like in a short-statured frame. I was afraid of being myself in a world of endless rules, beliefs, concepts, and obligations. I thought something was wrong with me. Ashamed I was for being so different from others and never being able to express in words what I was thinking and feeling. So I was a quiet kid but this is not about my childhood, the past, all the wrongs, and rights of that time, no. This is about Now. This is about facing what I am...Now. In this present moment.

See we are different and yet we are all share the same thread of Life that continuously spins itself through infinite dimensions. So many souls in so many bodies. So many souls out of bodies. It is a beautiful beauty. And to have chosen to focus upon him-Maurice-that silly Space Cowboy riding this stallion of life through wonderful adventures is indeed quite a trip!

So facing what we are means exploring the psyche, our consciousness, allowing ourselves to travel down the white rabbit hole, and see where it goes. There we will experience a new language of life, consciousness, and self beyond our dead old ones.

Lovely to be me...for now.

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