Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Can we communicate with the soul before birth?

Within the past 24 hours, I have been here at Los Alamos Medical Center witnessing the 'miracle' of birth. I have never been present at the physical birthing experience except my own so this is another historical moment for me. Last night, I began to notice, after listening to everyone speak, that we behave as though the soul of the child is not there. Also, we act as though the child has no choice. Now I know this may sound like an outrageous idea but I sense that we can communicate with the soul 'before' it is born. Now I use that word, hesistantly, because there is really no 'before' only now, so we can tune into the newborn's soul as it is entering new body. Is it possible to connect with the personality as it moves towards entry?

Last night, I tuned into the soul of the child several times. I picked up on the challenges this new child would face and for brief moments where it was positioned. I accept the idea that consciousness exists without a body, therefore, we communicate telepathically with soul without physical body. If we can communicate with a soul after it dies, why can't we do the same before it is born? Perhaps it has been lost in this culture, the idea of meeting soul even before it is born, but I wanted to acknowledge that we are waiting in this hospital room BECAUSE the soul chooses when it wants to enter, what time, and space.


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