Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"I Know A Woman"(A Poem)

I know a woman
Crazy for love,
She lives in a
A temple of wishes
High above,
She dreams at night,
About her whence charming
Her night on a white horse,
But she knows life is short,
As she dreams of a course,
Of a different life,
Beyond her own,
Filled with joy
And freedom
And miracles grown
From her sensuous beauty,
Her enigmatic grace,
I know a woman
Who lives in silent power
Yet shines her heavenly face
Before the world
She smiles and knows,
Destiny is her purpose
A family she grows
Through ages and ages
Her stories never cease
Her pain is a legacy
Her strength is peace,
What man can know her story,
What poem can sing her song,
I know a woman
You may know too
Waiting for heaven to come along.

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