Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sorry, You've Been Vaccinated!:(

When religion doesn't work, science must step in. When science doesn't work, religion must step in. Vaccinate you with the belief that your body is going to fail you. Vaccinate you with the belief that God is speaking to you. Yes, your precious flesh will crack if you don't take our drug. Or faith. But what is this Idea? Your body is bad, and our drug is good. Your body has a problem, and we have the solution: vaccination. Yes, we want to vaccinate the world with our drugs as an experiment of sorts. Vaccinate you with a faith outside of You. See, people are getting smart about religion but they still rely upon science. And their religion. Sorry if it's been you...

Why? Our Science is about our ideas and beliefs about the physical body, the world, and the universe. These days people are asking questions about God and their doctors but many still want the 'faith' remedy and magic cure. They want an utlimate solution or Holy Grail to their bodies. So how can we give them this thing they want so badly. Vaccinate them. Get them to believe they need it. Get their children to see how important it is for them to take it. Make it law? Not yet but close. Make it a martial law. Laws are great ways to vaccinate the people with mass beliefs. Make it the law! Put it on paper...sorry, sorry, some people can be so cruel...

Have you been vaccinated with limiting mass beliefs and ideas? Of course, you may say you are not but it lives definitely, unconsciously, an agreement you made without your permission: education, religion, finance, media, food, clothes, and even how you see yourself! You've been vaccinated by your world of drugs: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Yes, you've been vaccinated with all sorts of beliefs and ideas about reality that you cannot see and feel the truth as you want. I'm sorry...but maybe reading this you are waking so sorry...

It happened to me too long long long time ago....and I too slipped one day out-of-body, out-of-mind, and I awakened.

to be continued...:0

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