Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Highway To Freedom

I've never written much about freedom. I've never written about what it takes to free oneself. Why? Because it's different for everybody. There is no one way. There is only your way. That is The Way. So how can I write about this freedom? The writing itself is a type of freedom that extends itself to every day thoughts, feelings, and choices. So freedom comes to these things: what you think, what you feel, and what you choose. Freedom is that sensation of healing you get when you step into a jacuzzi after a long day of work, the reading of your favorite book, the playing of favorite games, the ability to move forward in one's life without limitations. That's freedom. And more.

The freedom to choose what you want to wear, eat, think, do, which leads to the freedom to be. How do we get there? How do get on the highway to freedom? Part of it is an impulse you feel-that's the core of freedom. The impulse to act in a certain direction and trust yourself as move in that direction. There is freedom in that impulse. We are used to thinking of impulses as bad and evil when they are our liberation. Do you trust your impulse? We are used to think of intuition. And that word has been thrown around for many years now.

Our next phase is the Impulse Age: its beyond intuition. It's like smaller than an atom, yet packed with incredible energy and force. This impulse will lead us to our freedom. Through our impulse do we live according to our higher selves. We are here because we have the impulse to be! That is what our children know. They know impulse. They don't have to learn it. They simply know it. It is Life. It is Love.

If somebody asks you, why do you what you do? Tell 'em it's the impulse to be free. The impulse to be. "To be who?" they may ask. "The impulse to be ME!" That's power. That's life. That's your story. That's the adventure we are all taking in each life. That's the road we travel.

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