Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feeding Animals With Stripes

"You belong in the scheme of the universe. There's nothing to be afraid of. You are Safe."-Deepak Chopra

Fear thy neighbor as thyself is the message we hear so much these days. Whether it's family, friends, co-workers, lovers, foreigners, or spouses. Security is high. Lock your doors. Stock up your fridge. Buy you a gun. "Nobody is safe and secure," we are taught to believe. "Every man for himself." "It's dog-eat-dog world."

Despite what we see everyday in the media, in our communities, and other countries,we are born with a built-in psychic protection system(PPS) that reminds us of a safeness in a seemingly chaotic and evil world. This protection grants us greater personal growth and development that honors the power of spirit. And I use the term for convenience, rather than an absolute, because of our history with such a word.

Your PPS is what anchors you through the tumultous times. It is your science of gravity that pulls grounds you in a world surrounded with noise and psychic pollution. The TV blasts advertisments for Better You and Freedom From Failure commericials that promise us a sort of hedonistic redemption and salvation. To conscious minds, bent on greater awareness, we know otherwise because our PPS is our main source of security and information. But what does this mean?

It means you come into this world with a saftey net that nobody can harm and destroy. Not even those whom you perceive as powerful than you can hurt you. Your soul/consciousness cannot be destroyed by anyone or anything. Unless of course you believe they can & agree to it. We can choose to experience harm or safety. We can choose to believe we are safe or not. No matter anybody else says I KNOW I AM SAFE. I choose to remember there is an inner self that offer its protection and safety in a world that tells me the opposite. What choice will you continue to make in your mind? What beliefs will garner you the protection that you deserve?

Maybe you have blessed yourself with the wisdom of protection from your family, friends, and you so understand my words. You are a receiver of this ancient wisdom and you make others feel safe. Or maybe you want to believe we really are safe, but the world reminds you NOBODY IS SAFE. I understand your feelings but I also know that if you turn down the volume or turn off the voices of fear that agitate your soul, you will hear a different message from beyond-the knowing from your Higher Soul. A message that is clear, loving, trustworthy, and compassionate.

That soul beckons you to listen as you experience your days on Earth. That voice can become the food that feeds the self that lives in the jungle of mind, body, and soul. That voice will once again remind you again to trust yourself no matter what others may tell you. You live in a safe universe. You are born with the inner equipment to know what to be, do, and have. Your Higher Soul can protect you like an animal with stripes.

Do your beliefs make you feel safe? Or do they make you feel afraid? When you think thoughts of fear, how does your body feel? Or thoughts of safety? No matter what the media says about the state of the world, what messages are you entertaining in your thoughts and feelings.

Remember: You deserve to live in a safe universe. May your journey continue to be blessed with saftey and protection! :)

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