Sunday, February 21, 2010


For thousands of years, over many lifetimes I had been worshipping gods, praying for their blessings, for their love, as I lived many lives in a physical body. I lived in many worlds.
I wanted the favor of the gods.
I wanted Buddha to love me and bless me with enlightenment.
I fasted, meditated, danced, and worked in the days and nights.
I sought the wisdom of Christ with my brothers as we read the books and paid our tithes. I slept alone dreaming of distant worlds and waking up in another each day.
I feared the power of the sky gods and ran in the night from the darkness. I
gave birth to generations of souls-nameless to the gods, yet divine every star.
I died with fear and hope in my heart.
I died rich. I died poor.
I lived in castles, villages, jungles, and caves.
I learned and studied the cosmos and its planets.
I traveled through worlds and worlds of lights, sounds, and colors.
And I forgot myself through it all.
I forgot the truth of love.
Now I remember…

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