Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Intuitive Impulse: A New Way of Living

I realized years ago that there is a life force that moves and lives within all things had an awareness that when we pay attention to it, allow it to fit into our lives, can become once again a natWhat is an intuitive impulse? ural way of living. Years later, I call it The Intuitive Impulse.

What do I mean by such a term? How can an intuitive impulse serve humanity? How can we use it for the fulfillment of our lives?

This intuitive impulse lives and breathes through every form of consciousness. Within the human species, there is an intuitive impulse that seeks expression through all forms of thought and feeling. Our actions are based in our ability to use our intuitive impulse each moment of our lives. Whether we are getting up out of bed, going to the refrigerator, fixing something, daydreaming, or performing any kind of task, it is the intuitive impulse that lies beneath our awareness and guides us towards greater action and being.

Intuitive impulse is the heart of all living things. Animals use their intuitive impulse every second. It is their way of life. Nature reveals the intuitive impulse through the changes of seasons and weather patterns. Can we learn to develop our intuitive impulses? How can we move beyond the belief that says impulses are bad for us? What would our lives look like if we began to consciously live through our intuitive impulse?

Your ability to think is shadow of that intuitive impulse. Your ability to feel is the essence of the intuitive impulse. Your ability to know is the path towards greater awareness. Your path to being is the presence of intuitive impulse.


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