Monday, June 23, 2008

Shadow Teachers of Love

Its not that I am afraid of love, its just that I have had poor teachers of it. See when you grow up around people who have also never known love, then you will not know. And that is the way it was for me. But you might ask, Maurice, "You have had plenty of people in your life, so there is no excuse!" I agree. I have had so many wonderful people who have taken so much out of their busy lives to give me back to myself. They held my hand and ask me tough questions. They challenged me to step out of my comfort zone. They were teachers of light and love. They mentored, coached, and even left me alone that I may walk the path myself. They understood the path of being spiritual warrior and step into that jungle. And I was afraid so many times so many years.

I was afraid of being loved and loving another because I believed it would mean I would get hurt. If I loved you, would you hurt me? If I loved you, would you love me too? If I allowed you to love me, can I trust you? And that's thing: I was taught that love was outside myself. Love is a universal force within one's own being. Love is not something you have to prove and this is the sickness of the world. As a child, you learn from adults that you must prove yourself. In school, it was a pass or fail system. In church, it was good or bad. In medicine, it is sickness or health. In sports, you either win or lose. These are all forms of undermining our ability to love and be loved.

Can we truly know love in a lifetime? Religions teach children about Jesus, Buddha, and other teachers as examples of the power of love. But could we have been lied to by those who held positions of power and authority? How can it be that religious leaders teach us about these historical figures and preach such faith, yet their actions are diffent? Because religion was never designed to free the masses. Religion is fear-based and only through various rituals has there any hope for the masses. The leaders became shadow teachers of love promising the people heavens and a new day if only they would give their money and lives(psyche) to the faith. If only the people would just believe, their lives would be better.

Well, billions of people have believed in their faiths and yet their lives still see no return. They believed the shadow teachers of love. I know I did.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Should You Lose Your Job For Lighting Up?

I didn't see the whole segment. My television was on mute. The discussion was "Should you lose your job for lighting up?" Yeah, lighting up a cigarette. From the body language of the guests, it was one of those serious discussions about what a business wants and what the individual wants. The institution is never for the freedom of the individual and never will be. Our institutions do not the individual that is why it has all sorts of rules and policies. Religions, schools, governments, medical, and military does the trust the individual. So the issue is not about a cigarette or a job. It is about trust and freedom.

So what does the business want? It wants the individual to change their behavior for the benefit of the organization. Businesses have created programs to get people to quit smoking and know the effects of smoking. But what is really going on? Businesses want their workers to be productive and so rather than support the individual in creating a vision of health from examining the reasons they smoke to what their goals are, they'd rather take the old problem-solution approach. Here is the problem, here is our solution. Lose the cig, or lose the gig!

Now the individual must remember that they work for an organization and that an organization has goals, and if those goals are important to the worker, they must make choices that support the vision of the organization. Its that simple. BUT-if smoking and freedom is more important then quit and create a job that allows for you to express your individuality. Why change? People want to change only if it brings them results that they want based on their vision.

Okay, what if they say Maurice, "I want to smoke and keep my job, I don't see why not? I am not hurting anyone!" This is where adults engage in court battles, conflicts, and all sorts of disputes. This is where it sticky, icky, gooey, ooey.
Smoking is a personal choice. Working for someone else is not simply a part time choosing activity. You work for an organization and so in a sense you must make choices that supports their values and aspirations. And smoking is not one of them even if it is your personal choice. So come on people, play the friggin game!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Greatest Illusion

Robert Monroe once said, "The greatest illusion is that mankind has limitations." And Monroe knew this as a Truth rather than a Belief. I am learning that the belief in limitations creates limitations! So if we believe we are limited by our circumstances, relationships, or time/space, then we will be. Therefore, I am remembering, I am not limited by my circumstances.

I choose the reality I want to experience. Either I choose a reality of poverty and struggle, or wealth and abundance. Either I choose to be healthy or unhealthy. I am abundant. I am safe. I am healthy. I cannot believe your body is flawed and bad, and expect to be happy. I will simply create a disease or illness that will reflect my hidden beliefs. Now as I write these words, I'm amazed at how I'm so easily surrounded by those who believe otherwise; they have simply bought into their own belief systems and ideas about the nature of reality and self. And I used to surround myself with such thinkers.

Today I choose to remember that the present is the point of power. We are not victims of politicians and corporate greed. We are not powerless to institutions. We co-create the world through our beliefs and expectations. When we change our beliefs about such things, we can experience another world filled with joy and love.

That's what I remember today. And it feels good!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Death of A Newsman

All deaths are significant...whether known or unknown...the universe does not play favors with the passing of souls...every leaf, every flower, every star, every gemstone, every life, unique, meaningful, and contributes to the growth of consciousness...for within our society we have a tendency to view death as an is not, simply a transition, a pause in the infinite consciousness...let us celebrate the deaths of all human beings whom pass and not just those who attained degrees of success in American society...every soul has impact on our culture...and this is our war in many ways: the separation we continue to have in our own beliefs systems and ideas about things like this; the media's tyrannical ego and constant attention to the cult of celebritism whether Hollywood or itself; the absence of stillness in the 24-hr. electronic tube...we have this notion that somehow we are special, important...especially those who climb up the ladder of 'success' in America...either everybody is important or nobody is important...either every death is meaningful and significant or nobody's death is meaningful and significant but the media has a way of making this important and other things not important. Can you think about all the other souls that died on the same day Tim Russert did?

I feel Russert's death is and will be no more significant than the panhandler that dies in the alleys of the DC...the elderly janitor that works at MSNBC...or my mini-lop rabbit Cinnamon...all life is precious and deaths significant...I was touched by the passing of maintenance worker in my apartment complex just as much I was by my grandmother years ago...

Abraham Hicks once said, "Each one of you will croak...yes, croak, croak someday so you might as well face it!" cheers to Russert and every soul who takes that a leap at this time into the Infinite Universe beyond...for we each will 'croak' at some point and then we can look back and say 'been there, done that, wrote the book, seen the movie, bought the T-shirt'...and move on to other adventures in consciousness!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Movement and Stillness

I'm sitting here watching that commercial with actor Chuck Norris and model Christie Brinkley. You know the commercial that shows them using the latest new workout machine. They're smiling and pushing stretching with other people who have these athletic bodies. They want you to go out and buy it. They have these models in the video too for simply marketing self-image purposes. But you know what I'm talking about. Its all a bit slanted view of reality. They show you nothing but movement. And that is all we see. Movement. The media is that ever-present picture of movement. Moving pictures and images they call it.

But where is there stillness? What would happen if there was simply a moment of stillness shown through the screen? Nay, the controllers live in their ice castles and command their minions to paid orders and the people so lovingly follow their commands. What will you say to the screen? We tell you! What will you not say? We tell you. Everything shown: edited, rearranged, thrown out, replaced...kind of like life and our beliefs about ourselves and the world.

What if we saw stillness through our eyes? What would we see?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

"As for me all I know is nothing"

As I've been saying to close friends for a long time and now I am teaching others: perception is everything. We live in a world where our perspectives and worldviews are shaped by the media, schools, corporations, and religious institutions. Only a fool has to believe that what they see is real. Yes, a fool is someone who is hypnotized by their own beliefs that they can no longer see that they tricking themselves. Ultimately, the fool will see the truth of their ways and step back again into the light of All.

For many perception is a matter of artists and scientists. Rarely, do we teach children how to develop their perceptions. We think that how we view the world is true and others are wrong. Steady do we remain in our beliefs because they are safe. Little does a man or woman admit they are wrong in how they view the world. Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher once said, "As for me, all I know is nothing." For years, I paraded myself through the halls of many schools and studied with many teachers, claiming afterwards, a knowledge of men and the world, believing that I knew what lies in the hearts of people.

Today I can say: I do not know. I cannot say what is best for another. I cannot say what is right for humanity. The world will have its way after I am gone from this time and space. So what does this have to do with peception and knowing? I feel our way of seeing the world serves us in many ways. It offers us the keys to a greater truth even in our own lies. So we deny ourselves the truth through our own beliefs because truth is indeed greater than fiction. The lies we tell ourselves protects us from the power of truth. The pain and struggles we experience in our life are designed to awaken us to a greater truth and responsibiity. That truth is within every living thing, every form of consciousness, every soul that takes upon physical flesh.

I write these words not because I expect men from years hence to read and peruse their meaning, but to live as others have done. I write that I may find in my words a power beyond their own meaning...I write to know that within my being is a truth beyond belief, a knowing in the remember another time in the records of my soul...for I walk among the lives of men and notice their ways...and find the source of all living in my reflections.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Courage of One

There is inside my soul a courage of One. It lives, thrives, breathes, and moves through the blood of my veins. Courage is what my soul gathers in time as my being flows through eternity. I am a powerful god of my own kingdom. Every soul is the god of their own reality. This is the courage of One. You are meant to live in your own God-filled dominion as you live with creatures in their own realities.

Courage with patience, love and courage, these are elements of living. It takes courage to live in this world, to live according our highest values, and aspirations.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Playing The Shame Game

Deep in the human psyche is the collective shame of our ancestors. We know it is there as we step out into the world each day and hear countless tales of people engaged in behaviors that they believe are beyond their control. It is the impulse of life beating through our flesh. It is spontaneous self rising beyond old beliefs and ways of thinking. Perhaps there is something to be said about the exposure of celebrities through the media. The media acts as the all-seeing of Horus that captures and exposes the antics of all who people compelled to step into the limelight.

We witness fallen gods, the flawed self that becomes glorious, yet is vunerable and remembers it is flawed, though it is not. Shame. What is it? Why do we play the shame game? Why must we be ashamed of feeling good about ourselves and life? Why must we live in the shadows of shame? NO. The shame we feel is not real. It comes from the lack of truth about what we are. We do not see our light and so we cower in the face of others. We believe it is not okay to Be BIG, to Live Big, to Play Big, and Do Big, so we try to erase ourselves, shame ourselves, as a way to protect ourselves from pain. In doing so, we create more shame and guilt. We experience more painful realities.

I learned that it is important to see what is right today; what is possible today; what can I create today? rather than thinking about what I don't have, don't know, and don't see. Too many years, I'd been concerned with whether I was good enough for someone, God, Goddess, and All There Is. Am I good enough for you? Am I worthy of having a better life? I now know that life is meant to be enjoyed, and fulfilled.

I have the confidence to live life fully through allowing myself to be loved. Love me, love me, love me. That is all I ever wanted. I grew up believing that I had to prove myself to others, to justify my being through my work, and now I know I don't need to do that anymore. I am what I am: Love. So no longer do I have to play the Shame Game. No longer do I have to live in fear of God, Goddess, All There Is.

I am truly happy accepting myself as I am.