Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Greatest Illusion

Robert Monroe once said, "The greatest illusion is that mankind has limitations." And Monroe knew this as a Truth rather than a Belief. I am learning that the belief in limitations creates limitations! So if we believe we are limited by our circumstances, relationships, or time/space, then we will be. Therefore, I am remembering, I am not limited by my circumstances.

I choose the reality I want to experience. Either I choose a reality of poverty and struggle, or wealth and abundance. Either I choose to be healthy or unhealthy. I am abundant. I am safe. I am healthy. I cannot believe your body is flawed and bad, and expect to be happy. I will simply create a disease or illness that will reflect my hidden beliefs. Now as I write these words, I'm amazed at how I'm so easily surrounded by those who believe otherwise; they have simply bought into their own belief systems and ideas about the nature of reality and self. And I used to surround myself with such thinkers.

Today I choose to remember that the present is the point of power. We are not victims of politicians and corporate greed. We are not powerless to institutions. We co-create the world through our beliefs and expectations. When we change our beliefs about such things, we can experience another world filled with joy and love.

That's what I remember today. And it feels good!

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