Monday, June 2, 2008

Playing The Shame Game

Deep in the human psyche is the collective shame of our ancestors. We know it is there as we step out into the world each day and hear countless tales of people engaged in behaviors that they believe are beyond their control. It is the impulse of life beating through our flesh. It is spontaneous self rising beyond old beliefs and ways of thinking. Perhaps there is something to be said about the exposure of celebrities through the media. The media acts as the all-seeing of Horus that captures and exposes the antics of all who people compelled to step into the limelight.

We witness fallen gods, the flawed self that becomes glorious, yet is vunerable and remembers it is flawed, though it is not. Shame. What is it? Why do we play the shame game? Why must we be ashamed of feeling good about ourselves and life? Why must we live in the shadows of shame? NO. The shame we feel is not real. It comes from the lack of truth about what we are. We do not see our light and so we cower in the face of others. We believe it is not okay to Be BIG, to Live Big, to Play Big, and Do Big, so we try to erase ourselves, shame ourselves, as a way to protect ourselves from pain. In doing so, we create more shame and guilt. We experience more painful realities.

I learned that it is important to see what is right today; what is possible today; what can I create today? rather than thinking about what I don't have, don't know, and don't see. Too many years, I'd been concerned with whether I was good enough for someone, God, Goddess, and All There Is. Am I good enough for you? Am I worthy of having a better life? I now know that life is meant to be enjoyed, and fulfilled.

I have the confidence to live life fully through allowing myself to be loved. Love me, love me, love me. That is all I ever wanted. I grew up believing that I had to prove myself to others, to justify my being through my work, and now I know I don't need to do that anymore. I am what I am: Love. So no longer do I have to play the Shame Game. No longer do I have to live in fear of God, Goddess, All There Is.

I am truly happy accepting myself as I am.

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