Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Death of A Newsman

All deaths are significant...whether known or unknown...the universe does not play favors with the passing of souls...every leaf, every flower, every star, every gemstone, every life, unique, meaningful, and contributes to the growth of consciousness...for within our society we have a tendency to view death as an end...it is not, simply a transition, a pause in the infinite consciousness...let us celebrate the deaths of all human beings whom pass and not just those who attained degrees of success in American society...every soul has impact on our culture...and this is our war in many ways: the separation we continue to have in our own beliefs systems and ideas about things like this; the media's tyrannical ego and constant attention to the cult of celebritism whether Hollywood or itself; the absence of stillness in the 24-hr. electronic tube...we have this notion that somehow we are special, important...especially those who climb up the ladder of 'success' in America...either everybody is important or nobody is important...either every death is meaningful and significant or nobody's death is meaningful and significant but the media has a way of making this important and other things not important. Can you think about all the other souls that died on the same day Tim Russert did?

I feel Russert's death is and will be no more significant than the panhandler that dies in the alleys of the DC...the elderly janitor that works at MSNBC...or my mini-lop rabbit Cinnamon...all life is precious and deaths significant...I was touched by the passing of maintenance worker in my apartment complex just as much I was by my grandmother years ago...

Abraham Hicks once said, "Each one of you will croak...yes, croak, croak someday so you might as well face it!"...so cheers to Russert and every soul who takes that a leap at this time into the Infinite Universe beyond...for we each will 'croak' at some point and then we can look back and say 'been there, done that, wrote the book, seen the movie, bought the T-shirt'...and move on to other adventures in consciousness!

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