Monday, June 23, 2008

Shadow Teachers of Love

Its not that I am afraid of love, its just that I have had poor teachers of it. See when you grow up around people who have also never known love, then you will not know. And that is the way it was for me. But you might ask, Maurice, "You have had plenty of people in your life, so there is no excuse!" I agree. I have had so many wonderful people who have taken so much out of their busy lives to give me back to myself. They held my hand and ask me tough questions. They challenged me to step out of my comfort zone. They were teachers of light and love. They mentored, coached, and even left me alone that I may walk the path myself. They understood the path of being spiritual warrior and step into that jungle. And I was afraid so many times so many years.

I was afraid of being loved and loving another because I believed it would mean I would get hurt. If I loved you, would you hurt me? If I loved you, would you love me too? If I allowed you to love me, can I trust you? And that's thing: I was taught that love was outside myself. Love is a universal force within one's own being. Love is not something you have to prove and this is the sickness of the world. As a child, you learn from adults that you must prove yourself. In school, it was a pass or fail system. In church, it was good or bad. In medicine, it is sickness or health. In sports, you either win or lose. These are all forms of undermining our ability to love and be loved.

Can we truly know love in a lifetime? Religions teach children about Jesus, Buddha, and other teachers as examples of the power of love. But could we have been lied to by those who held positions of power and authority? How can it be that religious leaders teach us about these historical figures and preach such faith, yet their actions are diffent? Because religion was never designed to free the masses. Religion is fear-based and only through various rituals has there any hope for the masses. The leaders became shadow teachers of love promising the people heavens and a new day if only they would give their money and lives(psyche) to the faith. If only the people would just believe, their lives would be better.

Well, billions of people have believed in their faiths and yet their lives still see no return. They believed the shadow teachers of love. I know I did.

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