Thursday, December 11, 2008

You Belong Here

You are born for the purpose of living totally and completely. You are born to manifest your desires within the time-space continuum. You are capable of great wonders. You are born to live fully as yourself. You are born. This is where you belong.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Strip Hop

Lately I've been thinking about hip hop music and how artists have lost in many ways a sense of meaning in their music. No longer does hip hop offer powerful messages of change and hope as late rapper Tupac Shakur once said,"It's time for our people to make some changes...let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live.." Only recently have we heard the word 'change'as part of Obama's political campaign speech motto. But are we really going to change? Hip hop has changed from its heyday of pro-black, pro-change, message music to now Ringtone, strip hop music.

Radio djs play songs that fill the strip and dance clubs, thus I call it 'strip hop.' Hip hop artists are writing songs that can be played in dance and strip clubs and broadcasted on your cellphones. Girls are hypnotized by celebrities, and guys emulate these stars who have found a dream with big labels, big corporations who seek only talents that will fill their greedy pockets. Artists are caught in a web of deceit as they struggle to create more of the same and different-when their creative juices run dry. Strip hop manages to degrade the best of the best who seek to entertain and perhaps enlighten us with their lyrics, styles, and controversial lifestyles.

Every hip hop artist are drawn out on the factory line as living products and packaged like a new brand of Frito-Lays chips, ripped open they are by the hungry, tasted for their exquisite chemical value, and discarded like a half-eaten burger on a rainy day. It is the profane masquerading itself as sacred...where consumers believe they are getting worthy products when in fact they are simply getting more of the same. The corporate entities NEED bodies and minds of the talented and gifted and pay large sums of money for their gifts. We, the consumers, act like babies ready for suckling and rest after being sexually teased by the acoustic effects of strip hop. Strip hop disguises itself as romantic love ballads sernenading the mysterious girl on the dance floor as Akon sings, " You got me so hypnotized, the way your body moves around..." He is explicitly telling a story as most artists nowadays about their sexual adventures which is hardly close to any enlightened idea of love. Strip hop is not about love. It is about sexualizing the female where she is both glorified for what she can do in the bedroom rather than what she is.

It is the New Black Patriarchy in the black male community while other ethnic male communities follow. Hispanic, Mexican, Irish, jewish, and Asian boys idolize these psuedo-masculine artists who secretly engage in homosexual acts while parading themselves as heterosexuals. Women love these poster boys of urban success, yet confused they are as they both praise their boys for their successes while condemning them for their cheating ways as they dance to these songs on the dance floors. Kids look up to these artists of strip hop as models of success. Rags to riches stories lie at the heart of strip hop. The artist who was once poor is now surrounded by wealth and discovers how money can be used to manipulate women for short-term sexual gratification. It is the dichotomous nature of 'love.' These boys are not men and define manhood in limited terms(i.e sexual conquest of groupies, material possessions, and business ownerships). Strip hop leaves its listerners sexually aroused yet spiritually empty. A void consumes the souls who listen to strip hop believing they are hearing something different when in fact it the same sounds remixed. The mind and heart are manipulated as you listen to strip hop imagining yourself chasing, pining, and whining for the affections and attention of the Stripper. She is alluring and possess sexual magic that draws many observers.

Hip hop artists are well known for attending strip clubs. It is like rich white guys going to play golf on the weekends. Artists find their music playing in the clubs and receiving many accolades, gifts, rewards for their fame and fortune. Strippers talk about whose in the club and who pays how much. Rappers seek attention for their confused egos as women psychologically trick these men into giving over their monies for sexual arousal. It is a disease of the ego and strip hop has spread like a virus across the world.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The New Divine Providence

Within our reach is the essence of All There Is as simultaneously we live according to the stretching of the inner eye. This is the new divine providence that has become the soul of men and women. Awaken to that ever-lasting soul in you, my brother and sister! Let thy divine providence become the house of your soul! Be thy Light and Love! Jump into the beacon of Time and Space! It is your destiny, your adventure, your way. See what lies in the hearts of Creation! Feel what stands in the minds of All!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Everybody dies

It began with comedian George Carlin. That was a big big shocker. I loved that man's mind. He told it like it is. Then it was my web designer Peter Igo whom I mentioned in my last post. He died of cancer. At least that what they say, right? "It's always something" as comedian Gilder Radner once said. Then I heard about Robert Butts passing away in May. He was husband, writer, painter, and transcriber for Seth of Jane Roberts. Man! I was surprised but he was 'up there' in his years and chose a probable death. Then a man in my town named Richard died. He was an alcoholic and worked two jobs. Everytime I saw him he looked dissatisfied and overworked. Then the big news came much closer to home: my new girlfriend's sister's fiance died in a motorcycle 'accident.' I say that because I know there are no accidents. But we'll just leave it at that.

Then the world received even bigger news of Death: Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes died last weekend. Is it just me? What in the hell is going on? I ended a relationship of 12 years. My best friend is moving to a new city to get a Ph.D. Now this? Oh, there's more. Chris Calloway, daughter of the famous Cab Calloway died last week. She was a local celebrity in Santa Fe. Last year I did a show with Chris Calloway. We had so much fun together. She had this presence about her that was big. It's all a dream...

How many others died whom didn't get recognition? I'm sure there's so many that I cannot count. Many souls are transitioning at this time. Why? The planet is shifting tremendously and all the souls whom we love dearly and cherish and checking out. Our time on Earth is precious. Do you know when your time will come? Even the world's tallest woman died this week. Gosh, everybody dies...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

In Memoriam

On Saturday July 26, 2008, my website designer Peter Igo passed away of lung cancer. I spoke with Peter a week before he died. He called me from Santa Monica, California and wanted to know whether I received his e-mail about his client's doing business with an associate. I could hear it in his voice as we spoke for 15 minutes. He was ready it seem to let everything go.

Peter and I began our relationship 4 years ago. I was searching for a web designer in Santa Fe and Peter's company was my first and only choice. On a Saturday, Peter visited my two-bedroom apartment and we sat down and discussed my vision for my website. Peter understood my ideas and immediately worked on my site. He was so pleased with his work as I was amazed at his ability to put his heart and soul into my site. Even when we talked on the phone afterwards I knew he was pleased with his work as much as I was. We shared the same love for Nature, colors, and most of life. Peter was such a wonderful, sweet man who gave his heart to his art. His work will live on through my website and others.

Peter, thank you for everything and may we continue to create worlds of light, color, and sound!

Love, Maurice

Monday, June 23, 2008

Shadow Teachers of Love

Its not that I am afraid of love, its just that I have had poor teachers of it. See when you grow up around people who have also never known love, then you will not know. And that is the way it was for me. But you might ask, Maurice, "You have had plenty of people in your life, so there is no excuse!" I agree. I have had so many wonderful people who have taken so much out of their busy lives to give me back to myself. They held my hand and ask me tough questions. They challenged me to step out of my comfort zone. They were teachers of light and love. They mentored, coached, and even left me alone that I may walk the path myself. They understood the path of being spiritual warrior and step into that jungle. And I was afraid so many times so many years.

I was afraid of being loved and loving another because I believed it would mean I would get hurt. If I loved you, would you hurt me? If I loved you, would you love me too? If I allowed you to love me, can I trust you? And that's thing: I was taught that love was outside myself. Love is a universal force within one's own being. Love is not something you have to prove and this is the sickness of the world. As a child, you learn from adults that you must prove yourself. In school, it was a pass or fail system. In church, it was good or bad. In medicine, it is sickness or health. In sports, you either win or lose. These are all forms of undermining our ability to love and be loved.

Can we truly know love in a lifetime? Religions teach children about Jesus, Buddha, and other teachers as examples of the power of love. But could we have been lied to by those who held positions of power and authority? How can it be that religious leaders teach us about these historical figures and preach such faith, yet their actions are diffent? Because religion was never designed to free the masses. Religion is fear-based and only through various rituals has there any hope for the masses. The leaders became shadow teachers of love promising the people heavens and a new day if only they would give their money and lives(psyche) to the faith. If only the people would just believe, their lives would be better.

Well, billions of people have believed in their faiths and yet their lives still see no return. They believed the shadow teachers of love. I know I did.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Should You Lose Your Job For Lighting Up?

I didn't see the whole segment. My television was on mute. The discussion was "Should you lose your job for lighting up?" Yeah, lighting up a cigarette. From the body language of the guests, it was one of those serious discussions about what a business wants and what the individual wants. The institution is never for the freedom of the individual and never will be. Our institutions do not the individual that is why it has all sorts of rules and policies. Religions, schools, governments, medical, and military does the trust the individual. So the issue is not about a cigarette or a job. It is about trust and freedom.

So what does the business want? It wants the individual to change their behavior for the benefit of the organization. Businesses have created programs to get people to quit smoking and know the effects of smoking. But what is really going on? Businesses want their workers to be productive and so rather than support the individual in creating a vision of health from examining the reasons they smoke to what their goals are, they'd rather take the old problem-solution approach. Here is the problem, here is our solution. Lose the cig, or lose the gig!

Now the individual must remember that they work for an organization and that an organization has goals, and if those goals are important to the worker, they must make choices that support the vision of the organization. Its that simple. BUT-if smoking and freedom is more important then quit and create a job that allows for you to express your individuality. Why change? People want to change only if it brings them results that they want based on their vision.

Okay, what if they say Maurice, "I want to smoke and keep my job, I don't see why not? I am not hurting anyone!" This is where adults engage in court battles, conflicts, and all sorts of disputes. This is where it sticky, icky, gooey, ooey.
Smoking is a personal choice. Working for someone else is not simply a part time choosing activity. You work for an organization and so in a sense you must make choices that supports their values and aspirations. And smoking is not one of them even if it is your personal choice. So come on people, play the friggin game!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Greatest Illusion

Robert Monroe once said, "The greatest illusion is that mankind has limitations." And Monroe knew this as a Truth rather than a Belief. I am learning that the belief in limitations creates limitations! So if we believe we are limited by our circumstances, relationships, or time/space, then we will be. Therefore, I am remembering, I am not limited by my circumstances.

I choose the reality I want to experience. Either I choose a reality of poverty and struggle, or wealth and abundance. Either I choose to be healthy or unhealthy. I am abundant. I am safe. I am healthy. I cannot believe your body is flawed and bad, and expect to be happy. I will simply create a disease or illness that will reflect my hidden beliefs. Now as I write these words, I'm amazed at how I'm so easily surrounded by those who believe otherwise; they have simply bought into their own belief systems and ideas about the nature of reality and self. And I used to surround myself with such thinkers.

Today I choose to remember that the present is the point of power. We are not victims of politicians and corporate greed. We are not powerless to institutions. We co-create the world through our beliefs and expectations. When we change our beliefs about such things, we can experience another world filled with joy and love.

That's what I remember today. And it feels good!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Death of A Newsman

All deaths are significant...whether known or unknown...the universe does not play favors with the passing of souls...every leaf, every flower, every star, every gemstone, every life, unique, meaningful, and contributes to the growth of consciousness...for within our society we have a tendency to view death as an is not, simply a transition, a pause in the infinite consciousness...let us celebrate the deaths of all human beings whom pass and not just those who attained degrees of success in American society...every soul has impact on our culture...and this is our war in many ways: the separation we continue to have in our own beliefs systems and ideas about things like this; the media's tyrannical ego and constant attention to the cult of celebritism whether Hollywood or itself; the absence of stillness in the 24-hr. electronic tube...we have this notion that somehow we are special, important...especially those who climb up the ladder of 'success' in America...either everybody is important or nobody is important...either every death is meaningful and significant or nobody's death is meaningful and significant but the media has a way of making this important and other things not important. Can you think about all the other souls that died on the same day Tim Russert did?

I feel Russert's death is and will be no more significant than the panhandler that dies in the alleys of the DC...the elderly janitor that works at MSNBC...or my mini-lop rabbit Cinnamon...all life is precious and deaths significant...I was touched by the passing of maintenance worker in my apartment complex just as much I was by my grandmother years ago...

Abraham Hicks once said, "Each one of you will croak...yes, croak, croak someday so you might as well face it!" cheers to Russert and every soul who takes that a leap at this time into the Infinite Universe beyond...for we each will 'croak' at some point and then we can look back and say 'been there, done that, wrote the book, seen the movie, bought the T-shirt'...and move on to other adventures in consciousness!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Movement and Stillness

I'm sitting here watching that commercial with actor Chuck Norris and model Christie Brinkley. You know the commercial that shows them using the latest new workout machine. They're smiling and pushing stretching with other people who have these athletic bodies. They want you to go out and buy it. They have these models in the video too for simply marketing self-image purposes. But you know what I'm talking about. Its all a bit slanted view of reality. They show you nothing but movement. And that is all we see. Movement. The media is that ever-present picture of movement. Moving pictures and images they call it.

But where is there stillness? What would happen if there was simply a moment of stillness shown through the screen? Nay, the controllers live in their ice castles and command their minions to paid orders and the people so lovingly follow their commands. What will you say to the screen? We tell you! What will you not say? We tell you. Everything shown: edited, rearranged, thrown out, replaced...kind of like life and our beliefs about ourselves and the world.

What if we saw stillness through our eyes? What would we see?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

"As for me all I know is nothing"

As I've been saying to close friends for a long time and now I am teaching others: perception is everything. We live in a world where our perspectives and worldviews are shaped by the media, schools, corporations, and religious institutions. Only a fool has to believe that what they see is real. Yes, a fool is someone who is hypnotized by their own beliefs that they can no longer see that they tricking themselves. Ultimately, the fool will see the truth of their ways and step back again into the light of All.

For many perception is a matter of artists and scientists. Rarely, do we teach children how to develop their perceptions. We think that how we view the world is true and others are wrong. Steady do we remain in our beliefs because they are safe. Little does a man or woman admit they are wrong in how they view the world. Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher once said, "As for me, all I know is nothing." For years, I paraded myself through the halls of many schools and studied with many teachers, claiming afterwards, a knowledge of men and the world, believing that I knew what lies in the hearts of people.

Today I can say: I do not know. I cannot say what is best for another. I cannot say what is right for humanity. The world will have its way after I am gone from this time and space. So what does this have to do with peception and knowing? I feel our way of seeing the world serves us in many ways. It offers us the keys to a greater truth even in our own lies. So we deny ourselves the truth through our own beliefs because truth is indeed greater than fiction. The lies we tell ourselves protects us from the power of truth. The pain and struggles we experience in our life are designed to awaken us to a greater truth and responsibiity. That truth is within every living thing, every form of consciousness, every soul that takes upon physical flesh.

I write these words not because I expect men from years hence to read and peruse their meaning, but to live as others have done. I write that I may find in my words a power beyond their own meaning...I write to know that within my being is a truth beyond belief, a knowing in the remember another time in the records of my soul...for I walk among the lives of men and notice their ways...and find the source of all living in my reflections.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Courage of One

There is inside my soul a courage of One. It lives, thrives, breathes, and moves through the blood of my veins. Courage is what my soul gathers in time as my being flows through eternity. I am a powerful god of my own kingdom. Every soul is the god of their own reality. This is the courage of One. You are meant to live in your own God-filled dominion as you live with creatures in their own realities.

Courage with patience, love and courage, these are elements of living. It takes courage to live in this world, to live according our highest values, and aspirations.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Playing The Shame Game

Deep in the human psyche is the collective shame of our ancestors. We know it is there as we step out into the world each day and hear countless tales of people engaged in behaviors that they believe are beyond their control. It is the impulse of life beating through our flesh. It is spontaneous self rising beyond old beliefs and ways of thinking. Perhaps there is something to be said about the exposure of celebrities through the media. The media acts as the all-seeing of Horus that captures and exposes the antics of all who people compelled to step into the limelight.

We witness fallen gods, the flawed self that becomes glorious, yet is vunerable and remembers it is flawed, though it is not. Shame. What is it? Why do we play the shame game? Why must we be ashamed of feeling good about ourselves and life? Why must we live in the shadows of shame? NO. The shame we feel is not real. It comes from the lack of truth about what we are. We do not see our light and so we cower in the face of others. We believe it is not okay to Be BIG, to Live Big, to Play Big, and Do Big, so we try to erase ourselves, shame ourselves, as a way to protect ourselves from pain. In doing so, we create more shame and guilt. We experience more painful realities.

I learned that it is important to see what is right today; what is possible today; what can I create today? rather than thinking about what I don't have, don't know, and don't see. Too many years, I'd been concerned with whether I was good enough for someone, God, Goddess, and All There Is. Am I good enough for you? Am I worthy of having a better life? I now know that life is meant to be enjoyed, and fulfilled.

I have the confidence to live life fully through allowing myself to be loved. Love me, love me, love me. That is all I ever wanted. I grew up believing that I had to prove myself to others, to justify my being through my work, and now I know I don't need to do that anymore. I am what I am: Love. So no longer do I have to play the Shame Game. No longer do I have to live in fear of God, Goddess, All There Is.

I am truly happy accepting myself as I am.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

New Love, New Life

Though we are faced with so many challenges and surrounded by many beliefs, we are never left without seeing a way out. There is a way out. There is a way through it all. You can create a new life with a new love. We are not left abandoned by an unseen God or riddled by a malicious devil. We are capable of creating a new life through seeing what is important to us. When we act with integrity and use those resources available, we discover a world beyond our imagination.

Many people are critical of themselves, their loved ones, co-workers, and the world. They expect the world to be a certain way, to live up to their ideals, and when it does not, they hate the world for its imperfections. We have all been in the thick and thin and work hard at making our dreams come true. Can dreams come true? Can you truly create a life of love and freedom, peace, and beauty?

YES! Everything we imagine is a hair split away...a breath away...a thought how do we create is real now...feel it...see it...know it...grow it...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Individual and mass events

Now there are many who believe in the official story of consciousness and your world. They try to explain world events in terms of religious and scientific reasons. Recently, 35,000 people(maybe more)died in the China earthquake. Nobody can expect such events happening. However, I sense that there is an expectation within the people who died: they expected freedom, a kind of liberation from the tick-tock realities they are enslaved too. Their emotional realities were hidden from the world. What did they believe about themselves and the world? And the children? What did they feel? The families and people hit were the lower-middle class of China. They were families struggling to take care of their children and provide them with the best their educational system had to offer.

The media rushes to report the events: how many died, how much it is going to cost, what will the governemnt and its leaders do, and the other familar voices and faces that will be involved. It is as if though a cosmic play is being created by those involved through a complicated network of beliefs and ideas intricately woven through many souls.

Here is where I break away: we have not looked closely at the power of expectation and thoughts. We are living in a world that is bombarded with news reports on the TRAGEDIES ABOUT THEM. We wake up and read reports after reports about THEM-look at what great tragedy happened to them. And so what does this mean?

We live in a such world where we teach the power of personal reality and the power of the individual and thoughts. I think what we see in other countries is the power of mass consciousness to create and experience events. This is what the group can do: create events as a group consciousness. In America, we act individually and have to learn to be a family whereas in other countries they cannot afford the luxury of such individualism. Teacher and author Stuart Wilde once said, 'The wealth of a nation is the individual man.'

Though we preach democratic ideals, these ideals about the rights of the individual have been eroded by limiting ideas such as the belief in a flawed self, the sinful self, good and evil, might is right, any means necessary to achieve an end, survival of the fittest. And perhaps the most pervasive belief that we are taught is that the self is limited and that we are flawed.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Focus, focus, focus!

Your life is indeed its own focus. Your brain focuses upon its personal reality through the beliefs that you hold. You get what you focus upon. We are taught in our society to focus upon this, focus upon that, and so much of it is stuff that is meaningless to the individual. What does this have to do with anything? We are taught as children that this is what must be important to us rather than asking us what is really important. Now we are given these beliefs for a reason as a directional tool for early growth and development and survival.

For many people their earlier childhood beliefs and experiences continue to dominate their adult experiences. Others learn to develop themselves and shift their focuses upon those personal interests and desires. Traces of childhood beliefs are evident in their particular view of life and themselves. Many people only see themselves through the lens of past experiences or future expectations. Rarely is the focus on the present and its point of power. Most people are bombarded with daily issues of survival, struggle, and conflict, or even hedonistic tendencies. Others are engaged in creative acts of adventure whether spiritual, scientific, intellectual, or emotional. You get what you focus upon.

Change your focus, you change your life and the experiences that follow. To master anything you want, focus, focus, and keep on focusing. The more you focus, you bring into physical reality, your desires. The world you observe is simply a focus and expectation. Focus upon what you want and watch your dreams come true!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sex and Plants

Today I woke up thinking about my plant and sex. My plant name is Samantha and I wondered whether she was affected by the sexual energy in my apartment. Is her consciousness impacted by the presence of sexual energy. Do they grow and live longer and healthier through exposure to human sexual energy? Its a thought, a playful one that I've been thinking about lately.

Does she enjoy being in the presence of passionate lovemaking? What does it feel like to be there standing with your leaves spread out? So much love in the room? Can you just think about that for a second? Surely, if Samantha The Plant is life and consciousness then it must be that her being is also in tuned with the presence of human beings engaged in the sexual act.

Just a thought...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Is It Worth Fighting For?

For years I've listened to black leaders and activists speak about the plight of Black America. And now that I'm older and can discern the messages I wonder whether the simple idea of fighting against the Elite is in a way 'fuel' for the elite. I mean isn't it simply about the art of war? What do I mean? Well, how can you control a population of people? Problems, problems. Keep everybody focused on the problems in the world. Then you get a reaction. Then you work on the solution. It's like what my man David Icke was saying. That's how you keep it going. Let's study this problem, and that problem. Let's keep their minds focused on arguing about problems and solutions. Look at their reactions.

And so the people react. And they react each day and year. They keep on fighting and fighting. And they hold conferences where everybody gets serious and says "This is the problem, X, and here is the solution, Y, but how are we going to get from X to Y?" And so they argue some more and offer more solutions. Stuart Wilde once said that all true power is hidden. And there is something to be said about that statement. We don't see the true power out there. Why? Because it is not out there!

None of can see it, yet we know its there, and others have sworn to a vow of secrecy not to reveal the truth. That the truth is left better hidden and disguised because if people knew the truth there is going to be anarchy. Men of hidden power know this. They make deals on the golf course, not in the boardroom; in the cigar bar, not the office; in the bedroom, not the bookroom; they are sworn to secrecy...and so they understand something deeper in the hearts of men, and prefer to maintain control over a society they believe cannot handle the truth.

So the people are fighting against those who seek to hide the truth. The people are fighting against the power of secrecy. The people are fighting against their own sense of powerlessness. The people are fighting for change in a world of lies, greed, and violence. But is it worth fighting for?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Famous High School Dropouts

Richard Branson... Billionaire British businessman.
George Carlin... Comedian.
Jim Carrey... Comedian and actor.
Tom Cruise... Actor
George Eastman... Founder of the Kodak company.
Albert Einstein... Mathematician.
Michael J. Fox... Actor.
George Gershwin... Composer
Wright brothers... Inventors of the airplane.
Peter Jennings... News anchor and reporter.
Billy Joel... Singer.
Keanu Reeves... Actor.
Thomas Sowell... Economist, author and political commentator.
Quentin Tarantino... Movie director.
Dave Thomas... Founder of Wendy's restaurant chain.
Uma Thurman... Actress.
Randy Travis... Country music singer.
John Travolta... Actor, airline pilot.
Ansel Adams... Photographer, author.
Bryan Adams... Songwriter, singer.
Jack Albertson... Oscar-winning actor.
Peter Allen... Australian songwriter, composer, singer.
Dhirubhai Ambani... Billionaire Indian businessman.

What are schools for then? Schools and education I believe have nothing to do with each other. You can be educated without going to school. And you go to school with little sense of the bigger picture. I know. I have been there and done there, wrote the book, seen the movie!

On Children in Our Schools Part 2

Our kids are taught they must respect each other, share, be responsible, care for each other but they don't. They don't see it that is the reality. Outside of school, they see only fighting, violence, conflict, anger, or a hyper-glamorized reality through media outlets. Especially, the kids from poor communities. They are taught that school is a way out of poverty. What about kids from wealthy communities? They are taught their education will provide them with access to more wealth and power-and also the inheritance of positions and institutions. They are also taught to think about the nature of reality, question its premises, and the tools of creation.

Now some people will say those things are changing. And yes, they are. But the harsh reality remains that 75-80% of prison inmates are high school that a coincidence? They are punished for not graduating from one prison to the next?
The corporations have cleverly designed it where if you want a job(err...make little money we pay to you for long hours) then you must have your GED or high school diploma. Now the notion is that people must be educated to create a productive workforce. But, who owns the corporations? A few families and everybody else has to follow the rules while the elite make the rules.

So our children, being innocent as they are, have no idea that they are already in an unfair system. It is set that way to maintain the elitist system and status quo. Now there are those who have fought hard to educate the young in 'alternative education' programs. They have set up and created institutions that promote a different view of living and being. Waldorf school, Montessori, charter schools, private schools, and other alternative learning models seek to establish a different blueprint to educating the young. However, we are faced with even an alternative system that only allows for a few and not the many. We have not learned to create a true system of equality. Even the radical thinkers and their children suffer from this inability to create a larger educational system and model that raises the awareness of diverse populations.

So where does this leaves our children? Children only know how to be children. They don't know how to be adults. And they shouldn't. We are expecting them to know what they cannot know. Even if they are mature, in some way, they must grow and learn in their own time and space. We can try to help and protect them from pain, struggle, loss, and sorrow, but they must walk through the shadow of life on Earth. We must step into the belief that our children will be okay no matter what they do. Though we may believe things are getting worser and worser, we can change this belief and remember every soul is choosing their own paths of growth and development. And guess what? It may be one of pain and punishment, guilt and shame, but each soul has the light of truth of them inside of them no matter what their circumstances.

Is it the fault of the elite and those in power who seek to maintain a system of oppression? NO! We are witnessing a massive awakening from all parts of the world. Where we are headed with this nobody knows but it is exciting and inspiring. Do we have to know where we are going? Maybe or maybe not. There are many probable pasts, presents, and futures spreading out across the universe. We are moving in many directions. We are capable of changing our lives at any given moment with the power of a thought. Though we may look at the schools, observe its demise and failures, we are never left without the prospect of freedom and love in a shadowy system. Ulitmately, it is this recognition of love that will free us from the our individual and collective prisons.

On Children in Our Schools

After spending years in America's public schools I realized that the school system is not designed to serve the interests and needs of the individual. It is, however, an institution created for people to serve the systerm. This is perhaps not a novel idea to those who have studied and worked in the system for years. This compulsory schooling system is perhaps the most damaging institution to the lives of people because it is designed to control the behavior and minds of people. As a result, people spend 12 years of their lives being indoctrinated into the idea of success and failure; have and have nots; inferiority and superiority; repression and aggression. For years this happens, 9 months out of the year and then our children are released from one prison as they seek to move into the next one.

I saw this the other day as I was working with a group of boys at school. I realized how we all come into this world with this great light and energy but as we get older that light is darkened by our experiences in school and home. It is a dark period for children because society is against impulsive behavior; our programs and structures do not allow for the expression of the whole self. Instead, kids are taught to use their left brain to solve problems rather than the right brain or the whole brain. Kids are not taught how to resolve and so they are left constantly defending themselves against an army of strangers on the playground and in the classroom. They are thrown from teacher to teacher, room to room, subject to subject, until they are exhausted and tired from the heavy workloads assigned by teachers. These teacher are silent agents and conspirators in the educational system. Their ideal as interns was perhaps to impact the lives of students but instead has become simply disciplining and grading students.

Was the school system a solution to the corporate and political leaders 40-hr week schedule? What will kids do as the parents go to work in the fields and factories? Yes. Let's teach them how to get ready for what their parents are doing! We will tell them that they must do this if they want a job, be successful, have a home, and raise a family. The schools program kids everyday into thinking that they NEED to go to school in order to be happy in life.

In the modern world, children are faced with overstimulation from all sides: food, video games, TV, music, and all the technology you can find today. However, as they sit in the classrooms, they are asked to act in a way that is contrary to what they are constantly getting in the world. In other worlds, they are asked to 'behave' 'sit still' 'be quiet' in a world of noise and constant activity. Hmmmm...interesting, huh? This confuses our kids and they react towards things they don't understand and things unquestioned.

To be continued...

Monday, April 21, 2008

"Little One Inside of Me"

There is a Little One
Inside of Me
Growing In Another World
Like a Seed of a Tree
It plays, laughs,
cries and run
Knowing truth as Life
Is having fun
Little One flees
And falls down
I stand beside him
As an angel surround

"Now you have fallen
Be not afraid,
I am here to lift you
Every step of the way.
Things are going to get
messy and you may feel
alone. But know that I
am You in a distant time
A future home of Joy, Peace,
Love, and Truth.
So remember when you forget
how to get back up,
Call upon me I will guide you."

Little One inside of Me
Beyond this time
Growing as a Seed of Love
Out of Sight, Out of Mind.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Shortcut To Love

Life has a way of showing you that no matter what you have experienced in life and how tough things have been, there is always a new day around the corner. Within the past month, I have experienced an amazing presence of love and joy unparalleled in my life. I feel the sense of excitement, passion, and creation. How did it happen that I could so easily move back into the authentic person I'd always been? How could it be that I would resurrect myself from the coffins of despair and sorrow?

Choices. I decided that I wanted a different life. It was not simple at first because I realized that it was old beliefs that I didn't want to let go. And I did everything in my power to maintain an illusion supported by a false belief system. I kept making the same choices because I was afraid that I was going to fail and lose if I made new choices. I was afraid of letting go. I believed that love was somehow a reality without boundaries whether on the job, family, friends, and relationships.
The choices that I made up to this point was based on the belief that I needed certain people to make me happy, that I needed to do certain things to make me happy when in fact I realized that to know true love all I had to remember was to be myself.

A shortcut to love is making choices based on what's important and your true desires. Together these will serve as the foundation for your authentic self which will lead to an authentic love and its expressions. A new life begins when we let go of the old ways of thinking and allow new ways of expressing greater aspects of ourselves to develop and blossom. That is what I am learning. That is what I feel.

Nothing happens separate from our thinking it into our physical world. We are connected by a magnificent and grand force that once we remember to pay attention to can release us from the psychic prisons that we have created for thousands of years. Now is the time to be our authentic selves as expressions of a grander aspects of being in a physical world. We can achieve and accomplish anything we want when we choose what truly matters and what we feel. A shortcut to love happens quickly as the result of knowing what we want and living from conscious expectation.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Cold Ears, Warm Nose

Cold ears, warm nose
laughing tears, smiling toes
Oily skin, benevolent hands
Flesh cuddle, souls dance.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What is Fear?

Today as I was sitting in my favorite cafe Annapurna Cafe in Sante Fe, I realized something about fear. For years, I heard the word and read many books, listening to tapes on getting over your fears, facing your fears, transcending your fears, and etc. etc. you get the picture. Perhaps you have heard much about fear and wondered why is it part of our evolution and genetic makeup. So what is it really? What is fear?

Fear I intuitively, know now is an uncentered mind. When we lose our center, we are in a place of fear. I've read books that uses fear as an acronym such "False Evidence Appearing Real" and "Forgetting Everything Is Alright' are a few of the popular definitions of fear. But does that really help us when we are faced with a world we think know when in fact we do not? Is it enough to bless the world with love and peace without facing our deepest and darkest fears? Fear is focusing upon everything that is wrong. It is centerless mind. When we are centered we can accomplish much I realized. A lack of focus leads to anxiety, worry, shame, and all kinds of self-defeating.

Be still, be centered in the source of your being. Know that you can accomplish, create, and achieve whatever you desire when your mind is centered. Pull back and let go thoughts of fear. Thoughts of fear only take you out of your center. Relax and know that you are able to realize the greatest heights of truth and wisdom once you get back into your center. That is the practice of many Eastern meditations: centering your mind. Once you center your mind, your being can come through fully.

Buddha achieved enlightenment through remaining centered no matter what the conditions were outside and within. He realized something about himself that millions seek to imitate and few have achieved.

Be centered in the source of All. And remain centered in Oneness.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The End of Conflict

Recently, I have noticed that no matter where I go, there is a conflict within everybody. Whether inner or outer, many people are struggling to resolve some kind of conflict in their lives. They are seeking to eliminate their problems so they can be happy. No matter if they choose outside help, or self-help, the fact remains that their is an imbalance within the hearts of millions. The pressure to succeed and maintain a certain lifestyle, to survive amidst mediocrity and abuse, or to create a life of dreams has led to more diseases and illnesses within many souls in this world.

Can you end the conflict that arises from within and without? How can you move beyond doubt and fear in a world that puts so much pressure on us? How can you resolve the conflicts between you and your family, friends, and co-workers? I've spoken with many people who have said they have tried many things to resolve their situations and yet nothing happens. I'v met many people who refuse to look at another's point of view simply because they believe they are right. Then there are many people who do not care about the other person's feelings and reject their desire for peace and forgiveness simply because they are not ready for resolution.

The end to conflict begins within. It begins with examining your own beliefs and ideas about what you want and what you are. For example, I met a young man who moved to Santa Fe to be with his mother because he believed that was his responsibility to take care of her. However, he felt disconnected and bored with the community and wanted to leave for the fast-pace life on the East Coast. Yet, he was torned between moving back to the fast life of the Big City and having his own place in the Little City. So how could he end the conflict within himself? What decision could he make that gave him fulfillment?

First, it is important to decide what is more important. He loves the idea of having his own place more than anything else. He values his independence. Would he have the same kind of independence in the Big City? No. He loves the fast life of The Big City. He values excitement. Would he have the same kind of excitement in the Little City? No. So what is more important? Being independent or looking for excitement? Independent. He like the idea of having his own place. The Big City was never going to lose its excitement and he could always choose to travel back and forth to the Big City.

So, here's a quick way to end conflict: Choose what's more important. If you are not getting along with someone, trying to make a decision, look at what's important. Then make a list of the most important to least important. Then you will make your decisions based on what you believe and value as important. It's that simple! If you value respect, and get into an argument with a friend, family, co-worker, whatever the conflict, respect will be your primary choice.

Okay, now go make peace with yourself and the world!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Success Is The Breath Within Part 2

Now here's where it gets really silly; everybody does not deserve to go the heaven. Everybody cannot go to heaven. If you wanna go to heaven, you gotta compete for it. Sounds crazy, huh? I know. Many people work hard to be faithful, like a student does in school, and they are rewarded by the church (blessings, recognition, etc.) and students are rewarded by the schools. Again, remember no matter how successful is in school, they are still believe that success is doing something that brings material accomplishment. Is it true they are successful? Given the nature of the system, yes, in terms of them giving the institutions what they want. Could there be something missing here? Let me challenge that kind of thinking for a second.

What if success is not just in achieving something or accomplishing things? What if I told you the moment you are born, you are successful. You do not have to strive for it, struggle for it, but that you are it from the first moment you breathe in this world to the moment of your last breath and beyond. What if I told you even more that being successful is realizing that you are more than what you have been taught you are? Okay, let's go back to this school thing. You have a physical body. That is an accomplishment in itself. That moment you entered 3-D world to experience the brilliance and miracle of your physical being is a success.

We are taught we must work to be successful rather than affirming that we are already a success. See when you teach kids that they must work hard to be successful, there is no guarantee they will be successful even if they work hard. There are many people who have put in hours of work on millions of projects only to see disappointment and failure. So what is success, I ask you again? Success is the life force that moves through you. Success is being yourself. Success is knowing that you are a divine being beyond the physical realm. If success is limited to the acquisition of material possessions, then what happens when you die? Are you a success in the afterlife or a failure because you no longer have those possessions? be continued

Success Is The Breath Within

What is success? How do you define success? In our society, we have been taught success is what you do and accomplish-a very popular idea in our world. We have been taught you are successful if you have a lot of money, a home, a healthy family, a trouble-free lifestyle, and a healthy body. In other words, success has usually been defined by external conditions of life and achievement rather than inner workings of your being. Success is defined by doing rather than being. And this is where we have perhaps made a major in our thinking.

It began as a student in school, a place, for children like myself, to discover and explore themselves in a way that would for some kind of recognition-absent at home. School was the first place I can say introduced me to idea of success and failure. And I sense it is the case for millions of kids in this country. Success was defined by my ability to memorize, think, calculate, and complete my assignments. Success was doing what my teacher asked me to do. Success was measured with plus and minuses, alphabets, and numbers. It was a simple system that makes an impact on a child's self-image. And this impact can last for years if you don't understand and realized the manipulation involved in such an idea and the truth.

Success, in our country, is based upon the Christian concepts of heaven and hell, good and evil. How could this be? How could this be? Hmmm...let's see. If you don't do your work, what happens? You flunk the class. You don't behave, you are a 'bad' student, a trouble-maker, in many ways who needs discipline. School was simply an extension of religious institutions. In Christian faith, if you want to get to heaven, you must do these things(rituals), commandments to get in heaven with the Lord God. If you don't do these things, you are not worthy of heaven, and so you go to hell.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

God is Love and Love is Goddess

God is Love
Love is Goddess
Some people
might say
I am being
Quite modest
So Love is God
Goddess is Love
It is All One
As below,
So above.

Friday, April 4, 2008

How To Open A Closed Heart In 5 Minutes or Less

Imagine your chest area that protects your heart as a very large door. What's behind the door? How are you to open the door? You do not have a key. So what are you going to do?

Take your hand, left or right, it doesn't matter, and knock lightly on that chest area. Gently knock on that area as you would knock on a door. Slowly...not too fast. Just knock on your heart increasing the speed with each minute. Continue for 5 minutes. No more than 10.

Notice any sensations you have: tingling, aching, warm, softness. Simply notice.

Wait and see what happens!

(Note: If nothings happens, keep on knocking til it opens!!)

A Different Yesterday and Tomorrow

Today is All There Is
Where the sun stands
Besides the moon
There is no August
There is no June
As i close my eyes
I see a different yesterday
A different tomorrow
Then as I open my eyes
Hope is a breath away
Through joy and sorrow.
Where did all those days go?
Where is tomorrow?
Only now many times over
Lifetimes giving birth to lifetimes
Today giving birth to the day
Now is a different yesterday
Now is a different tomorrow
Now is beyond joy and sorrow
Now is a different yesterday
Now is a different tomorrow
Now is beyond all joy and sorrow
Now is...

What Makes Your Life Worthwhile? Part 3

During those times, I wondered if there was a way, somehow, that I could I be happy and joyful no matter what. What are the things that make my life worthwhile? I wondered if I could be happy in spite of rejection, ridicule and even resistance. I heard those words “happiness“, “joy“, “pleasure“, “freedom” used by so many people but I still did not know what they meant. I would watch a movie where ‘they live happily ever’ or listen to a self-help tape and feel the hope of a new day and life, yet walk outside my door, catch a city bus, and feel sadness, disgust, depression as I look into people’s faces. I would pick up my favorite book and smile reading the words of spiritual wisdom, yet wonder still why I felt empty, desperate, yearning for this dream I have of a better life.

The notion of my life as a victim whose journey in the world is struggle and prejudice being reinforced every day through countless voices, movies, books, articles, teachers, news reports did not offer hope and inspiration. How could I be happy if I saw myself as a victim of history? How could I be happy if my victimization was reinforced constantly through the mouths of strangers? If the workplace was a battlefield of prejudice and discrimination, then how could I be happy? And if my family is dysfunctional, then how could I be happy in relationships? And if the community is constantly fighting the system and each other, then how could I be really happy in the community? And if I was seen as a threat and menace to society, then how could I be happy in the world? What if I decided to be happy no matter and create the life I wanted in spite of the history of slavery? What if I decided to give up fighting against others and live the life I desire? I didn’t know but perhaps finding an answer to these questions would be the biggest risk I have ever had to take in my life.

What Makes Your Life Worthwhile? Part 2

And yet, there are people who are extremely happy and content. You read and hear about them in books and magazines. You watch them speak on TV. They are doing what they love. They are living their life purposes. So what are they doing that you are not doing? Why do you feel like you are going in circles? Can you really be happy no matter? Or are you constantly complaining about what’s wrong with your life, others, and the world? Okay, forget what you have read before. If you are reading this book, you have probably read other books that profess some secret, method, technique and keys to finding your joy and happiness. So, what could I possibly say and offer that would be any different?

Well, the truth is, like myself, you have probably spent most of my life surrounded by people who are not happy! Their lives are filled with complaints about not having enough, bad relationships, family problems, bad politics, world problems, unfulfilled dreams, lack of power, action, and knowledge. Unsuccessful businesses and relationships. They live in fear of their true happiness in exchange for false faith in a world of hopelessness.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Intuitive Impulse: A New Way of Living

I realized years ago that there is a life force that moves and lives within all things had an awareness that when we pay attention to it, allow it to fit into our lives, can become once again a natWhat is an intuitive impulse? ural way of living. Years later, I call it The Intuitive Impulse.

What do I mean by such a term? How can an intuitive impulse serve humanity? How can we use it for the fulfillment of our lives?

This intuitive impulse lives and breathes through every form of consciousness. Within the human species, there is an intuitive impulse that seeks expression through all forms of thought and feeling. Our actions are based in our ability to use our intuitive impulse each moment of our lives. Whether we are getting up out of bed, going to the refrigerator, fixing something, daydreaming, or performing any kind of task, it is the intuitive impulse that lies beneath our awareness and guides us towards greater action and being.

Intuitive impulse is the heart of all living things. Animals use their intuitive impulse every second. It is their way of life. Nature reveals the intuitive impulse through the changes of seasons and weather patterns. Can we learn to develop our intuitive impulses? How can we move beyond the belief that says impulses are bad for us? What would our lives look like if we began to consciously live through our intuitive impulse?

Your ability to think is shadow of that intuitive impulse. Your ability to feel is the essence of the intuitive impulse. Your ability to know is the path towards greater awareness. Your path to being is the presence of intuitive impulse.

What Makes Your Life Worthwhile? Part 1

We are living in the greatest and worst of times. Good news and the bad news. The bad news: Everyday we are bombarded with the latest news reports of war, politics, disease, celebrity scandals and marriages, natural disasters, tales of murder and deception, terrorist attacks, reality TV, and the list goes on. We hear and read stories about human conflicts and the solutions of experts. We listen to our political and religious leaders as they rally the people in the spirit of new hope and faith. We live in communities and neighborhoods affected by the changes and invasion of corporate entities, youth violence and drug abuse. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. We are plagued by our own deep-seated resentments and judgments. We stay in relationships we do not enjoy. We struggle each day to pay the bills. We engage in self-destructive habits and behaviors. We wake up each day and wonder if the world is going to be different today. We send our children to school each day with the dream in our hearts that maybe they will make it better for themselves and generations to come.

But here is the good news: We live in an age of access to endless information and knowledge. We live in a time of racial, religious, and sexual diversity. We live in an era of radical spiritual growth and development. We can send messages in an instant with text messages, emails, and the high-tech communication devices. We can diagnose and treat diseases with the newest medical technology or alternative medical approaches. We can even order packages and receive within days. We hear stories of life miracles, breakthroughs, turning points, and enlightenment. Amid the crises and problems of the world, we are learning to use the power of our thoughts and feelings to create and affirm our visions of peace, justice, abundance, harmony, and happiness. We create and attend workshops, seminars, marches, meetings in the hope of creating a better world for ourselves, the children, and future generations. In essence, we are working hard to make the dream of better life on Earth each day, minute by minute, and day by day. The good news is that we are learning to become more aware of ourselves as a people and expressing our stories and visions in whatever way we choose.

But how can we be happy in times of struggle and survival and beyond? How can we live in joy no matter what? How can we create the life we want no matter what the circumstances?

My purpose for writing this blog is because I want to share with you a few tips on the journey towards creating happiness and how to free yourself from limitations and live beyond struggle. After listening to friends and strangers share stories of their painful intimate relationships, employees working unfulfilling jobs or careers, parents struggling with jobs and raising their children, teachers frustrated with the demands of the school system and administration, Or inner struggles such as knowing your life purpose, making a big life decision, or dealing with mental and emotional conflicts, dreams, and nightmares. I walk away each time wondering how can I be happy when I am surrounded by conflict after conflict after conflict?