Wednesday, April 23, 2008

On Children in Our Schools Part 2

Our kids are taught they must respect each other, share, be responsible, care for each other but they don't. They don't see it that is the reality. Outside of school, they see only fighting, violence, conflict, anger, or a hyper-glamorized reality through media outlets. Especially, the kids from poor communities. They are taught that school is a way out of poverty. What about kids from wealthy communities? They are taught their education will provide them with access to more wealth and power-and also the inheritance of positions and institutions. They are also taught to think about the nature of reality, question its premises, and the tools of creation.

Now some people will say those things are changing. And yes, they are. But the harsh reality remains that 75-80% of prison inmates are high school that a coincidence? They are punished for not graduating from one prison to the next?
The corporations have cleverly designed it where if you want a job(err...make little money we pay to you for long hours) then you must have your GED or high school diploma. Now the notion is that people must be educated to create a productive workforce. But, who owns the corporations? A few families and everybody else has to follow the rules while the elite make the rules.

So our children, being innocent as they are, have no idea that they are already in an unfair system. It is set that way to maintain the elitist system and status quo. Now there are those who have fought hard to educate the young in 'alternative education' programs. They have set up and created institutions that promote a different view of living and being. Waldorf school, Montessori, charter schools, private schools, and other alternative learning models seek to establish a different blueprint to educating the young. However, we are faced with even an alternative system that only allows for a few and not the many. We have not learned to create a true system of equality. Even the radical thinkers and their children suffer from this inability to create a larger educational system and model that raises the awareness of diverse populations.

So where does this leaves our children? Children only know how to be children. They don't know how to be adults. And they shouldn't. We are expecting them to know what they cannot know. Even if they are mature, in some way, they must grow and learn in their own time and space. We can try to help and protect them from pain, struggle, loss, and sorrow, but they must walk through the shadow of life on Earth. We must step into the belief that our children will be okay no matter what they do. Though we may believe things are getting worser and worser, we can change this belief and remember every soul is choosing their own paths of growth and development. And guess what? It may be one of pain and punishment, guilt and shame, but each soul has the light of truth of them inside of them no matter what their circumstances.

Is it the fault of the elite and those in power who seek to maintain a system of oppression? NO! We are witnessing a massive awakening from all parts of the world. Where we are headed with this nobody knows but it is exciting and inspiring. Do we have to know where we are going? Maybe or maybe not. There are many probable pasts, presents, and futures spreading out across the universe. We are moving in many directions. We are capable of changing our lives at any given moment with the power of a thought. Though we may look at the schools, observe its demise and failures, we are never left without the prospect of freedom and love in a shadowy system. Ulitmately, it is this recognition of love that will free us from the our individual and collective prisons.

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