Sunday, April 6, 2008

Success Is The Breath Within Part 2

Now here's where it gets really silly; everybody does not deserve to go the heaven. Everybody cannot go to heaven. If you wanna go to heaven, you gotta compete for it. Sounds crazy, huh? I know. Many people work hard to be faithful, like a student does in school, and they are rewarded by the church (blessings, recognition, etc.) and students are rewarded by the schools. Again, remember no matter how successful is in school, they are still believe that success is doing something that brings material accomplishment. Is it true they are successful? Given the nature of the system, yes, in terms of them giving the institutions what they want. Could there be something missing here? Let me challenge that kind of thinking for a second.

What if success is not just in achieving something or accomplishing things? What if I told you the moment you are born, you are successful. You do not have to strive for it, struggle for it, but that you are it from the first moment you breathe in this world to the moment of your last breath and beyond. What if I told you even more that being successful is realizing that you are more than what you have been taught you are? Okay, let's go back to this school thing. You have a physical body. That is an accomplishment in itself. That moment you entered 3-D world to experience the brilliance and miracle of your physical being is a success.

We are taught we must work to be successful rather than affirming that we are already a success. See when you teach kids that they must work hard to be successful, there is no guarantee they will be successful even if they work hard. There are many people who have put in hours of work on millions of projects only to see disappointment and failure. So what is success, I ask you again? Success is the life force that moves through you. Success is being yourself. Success is knowing that you are a divine being beyond the physical realm. If success is limited to the acquisition of material possessions, then what happens when you die? Are you a success in the afterlife or a failure because you no longer have those possessions? be continued

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