Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Shortcut To Love

Life has a way of showing you that no matter what you have experienced in life and how tough things have been, there is always a new day around the corner. Within the past month, I have experienced an amazing presence of love and joy unparalleled in my life. I feel the sense of excitement, passion, and creation. How did it happen that I could so easily move back into the authentic person I'd always been? How could it be that I would resurrect myself from the coffins of despair and sorrow?

Choices. I decided that I wanted a different life. It was not simple at first because I realized that it was old beliefs that I didn't want to let go. And I did everything in my power to maintain an illusion supported by a false belief system. I kept making the same choices because I was afraid that I was going to fail and lose if I made new choices. I was afraid of letting go. I believed that love was somehow a reality without boundaries whether on the job, family, friends, and relationships.
The choices that I made up to this point was based on the belief that I needed certain people to make me happy, that I needed to do certain things to make me happy when in fact I realized that to know true love all I had to remember was to be myself.

A shortcut to love is making choices based on what's important and your true desires. Together these will serve as the foundation for your authentic self which will lead to an authentic love and its expressions. A new life begins when we let go of the old ways of thinking and allow new ways of expressing greater aspects of ourselves to develop and blossom. That is what I am learning. That is what I feel.

Nothing happens separate from our thinking it into our physical world. We are connected by a magnificent and grand force that once we remember to pay attention to can release us from the psychic prisons that we have created for thousands of years. Now is the time to be our authentic selves as expressions of a grander aspects of being in a physical world. We can achieve and accomplish anything we want when we choose what truly matters and what we feel. A shortcut to love happens quickly as the result of knowing what we want and living from conscious expectation.

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