Thursday, April 3, 2008

What Makes Your Life Worthwhile? Part 1

We are living in the greatest and worst of times. Good news and the bad news. The bad news: Everyday we are bombarded with the latest news reports of war, politics, disease, celebrity scandals and marriages, natural disasters, tales of murder and deception, terrorist attacks, reality TV, and the list goes on. We hear and read stories about human conflicts and the solutions of experts. We listen to our political and religious leaders as they rally the people in the spirit of new hope and faith. We live in communities and neighborhoods affected by the changes and invasion of corporate entities, youth violence and drug abuse. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. We are plagued by our own deep-seated resentments and judgments. We stay in relationships we do not enjoy. We struggle each day to pay the bills. We engage in self-destructive habits and behaviors. We wake up each day and wonder if the world is going to be different today. We send our children to school each day with the dream in our hearts that maybe they will make it better for themselves and generations to come.

But here is the good news: We live in an age of access to endless information and knowledge. We live in a time of racial, religious, and sexual diversity. We live in an era of radical spiritual growth and development. We can send messages in an instant with text messages, emails, and the high-tech communication devices. We can diagnose and treat diseases with the newest medical technology or alternative medical approaches. We can even order packages and receive within days. We hear stories of life miracles, breakthroughs, turning points, and enlightenment. Amid the crises and problems of the world, we are learning to use the power of our thoughts and feelings to create and affirm our visions of peace, justice, abundance, harmony, and happiness. We create and attend workshops, seminars, marches, meetings in the hope of creating a better world for ourselves, the children, and future generations. In essence, we are working hard to make the dream of better life on Earth each day, minute by minute, and day by day. The good news is that we are learning to become more aware of ourselves as a people and expressing our stories and visions in whatever way we choose.

But how can we be happy in times of struggle and survival and beyond? How can we live in joy no matter what? How can we create the life we want no matter what the circumstances?

My purpose for writing this blog is because I want to share with you a few tips on the journey towards creating happiness and how to free yourself from limitations and live beyond struggle. After listening to friends and strangers share stories of their painful intimate relationships, employees working unfulfilling jobs or careers, parents struggling with jobs and raising their children, teachers frustrated with the demands of the school system and administration, Or inner struggles such as knowing your life purpose, making a big life decision, or dealing with mental and emotional conflicts, dreams, and nightmares. I walk away each time wondering how can I be happy when I am surrounded by conflict after conflict after conflict?

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