Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What is Fear?

Today as I was sitting in my favorite cafe Annapurna Cafe in Sante Fe, I realized something about fear. For years, I heard the word and read many books, listening to tapes on getting over your fears, facing your fears, transcending your fears, and etc. etc. you get the picture. Perhaps you have heard much about fear and wondered why is it part of our evolution and genetic makeup. So what is it really? What is fear?

Fear I intuitively, know now is an uncentered mind. When we lose our center, we are in a place of fear. I've read books that uses fear as an acronym such "False Evidence Appearing Real" and "Forgetting Everything Is Alright' are a few of the popular definitions of fear. But does that really help us when we are faced with a world we think know when in fact we do not? Is it enough to bless the world with love and peace without facing our deepest and darkest fears? Fear is focusing upon everything that is wrong. It is centerless mind. When we are centered we can accomplish much I realized. A lack of focus leads to anxiety, worry, shame, and all kinds of self-defeating.

Be still, be centered in the source of your being. Know that you can accomplish, create, and achieve whatever you desire when your mind is centered. Pull back and let go thoughts of fear. Thoughts of fear only take you out of your center. Relax and know that you are able to realize the greatest heights of truth and wisdom once you get back into your center. That is the practice of many Eastern meditations: centering your mind. Once you center your mind, your being can come through fully.

Buddha achieved enlightenment through remaining centered no matter what the conditions were outside and within. He realized something about himself that millions seek to imitate and few have achieved.

Be centered in the source of All. And remain centered in Oneness.

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