Friday, July 31, 2009

Psychic Declaration of Independence Part 2

"When the consciousness of the soul is ripe for disentanglement from the gross world, it enters the spiritual path and turns inwards...This is the first step in the involution of consciousness, which is striving for liberation from the burden of impressions."-Meher Baba, excerpt from God Speaks

I, hereby, declare today a psychic independence from a Society of Media, Science, Politics, and Religion. I declare my independence from a world invested in thousands of years in Fear. Why must I allow any Race, Culture, Society, School, and Institution to tell me what Being is? Why must I continue to allow other human beings to say what I am, tell me what I am? Why must I suffer each day under the psychic projections and guises of others who assume they know what I am and therefore place me in the false hierarchy of Society?
Media, writers, producers, directors, scientists, and businessmen gathering quietly in lighted rooms writing, shaping, editing, directing, organizing MY LIFE, MY SKIN, MY EXISTENCE, MY BEING. How dare these blind creatures of old and new convene and assume they can dictate the journey and life I live!
Schools, teachers, principals, classmates gathering in the name of Education; though they claim to know the life I will create using their Data, ready to certify my Knowledge with their Religion, Science, Politics and Economics , I denounce their need of Approval and Acceptance. I declare Myself as I Am and Choose To Be. How do you know what I will become? How do you know what I will choose to be? On what basis have you decided what I am to be in this life and forever? At what point did you see my future?
I, who was a child of limiting worn-out Ideas & Beliefs, given to me, by Society, searched for a World I can call my own. To You, so-called Teachers of principles who only lived as agents of The System: though I fumbled in the darkness of Achievement, I rose to the light of Oneness.
Man and Society cannot predict what Time begets. It cannot control the Experience of Soul, of Me.
Churches, ministers, preachers, reverends, you breathe fire into the words of The Book, and still you cannot explain the connection between the Heart and Brain. You ignore Reason, most of You, and climb instead upon the Ladder of your God, breaking bread, shouting words of Jesus the Christ, and God-men and women of old using the Word to understand Man and your times while you silently sit in prayer with unsettled minds.
Waking up, you do on a day of God, your sacred morning and evening, ready to preach your Sermon as hundreds gather and affirm with Amen in their hearts; you secretly snatch faithful little girls and boys, while displaying in front all your religious toys. What is hell, but your lies told? What is Heaven, but a Disneyland pie-in-the-sky sold?
Historians, writers, archivists, printers recording the events of Man, you sit and gather facts with your hands, missing and famous persons, civilizations, objects, you find, What is history, your collections of Man’s living in his perception of Time?
Histories of Life in a world ever-changing each day, historians work to make sense of what happened yesterday as futurists look into tomorrow’s history, living is lost and knowing is mystery. Still souls dying in their time seek to capture a taste of physical reality and seeking a peace of mind. They live with their stories that never seems to change, just the space between their names, forms, people, objects rearrange like furniture moving through a House in Time; historians collect what we experience and remember with Mind.
So People of this probable Earth, I release myself from the slavery of beliefs, limiting ideas, and stand out with arms wide open in a world of conspiracies of self! And you will find I AM THAT I AM and what I desire is mine. This flesh that I wear, this mind I use, this soul I dress, a lovely, magnificent wonderful disguise, may release today old beliefs. People of the Races, you who feel trapped in chemical clothes, you who define yourselves with your highs and lows, games & names, cars & bars, I ask of you: are you ready to declare your independence?
Limit ME, limit YOU.
I am not That.
I am What I Choose To Be:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Genius Has Boldness Pt.2

Genius is natural and an expression of You. It is an ever-present part of our growth process and development as a species. It is developing our whole-brain and heart. Natural genius is using the abilities of our consciousnesss through a physical body. In this world, consciousness seeks to express joy and power of being as Experience. To experience the power of your being is to create a life based upon your natural genius.

Again, genius has boldness. As genius, you see the world different from others. You feel different, perceiving reality through a heightened perception of thought and energy. That is the essence of genius. Today, we live in world where millions of people are working together and individually to create a new world built on the natural genius within. Changing systems and structures, shifting complex ideas into simple ideas, and practical ways of using new ideas, are all part of courage of genius.

Frank Llyod Wright, the famous architect challenged Western designers of buildings for years through his new way of construction. Wright was by our standards now, a genius of interior design, but also a man who endured great turmoil and hardships. He fatherd six children, was known as a man of the town, or as they say in Spanish, bajamundo, one who sleeps around. His house was burned down by a male servant who killed seven people with an axe as the fire burned. He also went through divorce and other personal battles but never gave up. That was part of his genius. He probably wouldn't agree with me but even our challenges are part of the light and dark of natural genius.

Are you tinkering with your own ideas for constructing a personal reality that is unique, uplifting, and abundant? No two personal realities are alike though they maybe connected. Every individual is engaged in exploring reality using their beliefs and ideas as tools. And as you may know, what works for one genius may not work for another.

So part of this genius has boldness talk is to share with that we are not confined by official beliefs and myths of our world even though we may believe we are. The natural genius is eager to not just think outside the box, but to get rid of, change it, and create something else, something new, fresh, original. Do you get bored with hearing the same thing over and over like a bad commercial? Very little in our popular culture is original; creative, yes, but not original ideas.

The natural genius in You is ready to offer a different perspective, have a new experience of Itself, to express new ideas about Itself, that is often shocking and surprising to the ego. It has the courage, insight, knowing, capacity, power, strength, and most of all, love for the new life. And that is what tapping into this part of ourselves will offer. Your genius is your power self that is ready to fly at any given moment of existence. It is a way of being that is natural. It is not the nerdy kid who knows how to just fix puzzles, solve complex mathematical problems, play music, or whatever the challenge.

The natural genis is a housewife who creates a loving home for her children, the schoolteacher who passes knowledge to student, the grocery worker who assists customers, the waiter who takes care of hungry diners, the businessman who improves his community and world with new products. The examples are endless. There are people from all walks of life who are using their natural genius-without even knowing it.

Natural genius is exploring, creating, developing our whole selves through using our talents and gifts. It is questioning the answers that are seemingly our world models. Genius is play. It is that natural self that wants to play, imagine, and create according to our desires and fulfillment.

That's the gift of genius in You.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Genius Has Boldness Pt. 1

Lately, I've been pondering the idea of human talent and genius. But I want to start off by saying that every human soul who has ever lived on this earth, has a talent or gift. And I mean every. Even if it is a bit crude, unpolished, amateurish, weird, unheard, freakish, or undefined. There is something to be said about the human soul and the diverse expression of our talents and at heart, our genius. Are you a genius in human disguise? Are you someone who desires to unleash your creative spirit unto the world? Or do you want to explore your gifts in a new way?

The soul is creative and consciousness diverse. Has been and always will be ad infinitum. That is the power of All There Is. No matter how bad things seem, and even good things get, we are creative souls. We enjoy making up things, learning about things, developing things, creating, and destroying them. We are obsessed with ourselves and each other.

That is our nature: to create. We are co-creators of the Grand Illusion. We enjoy what we create when we create it as we are creating it. However, we are not always aware of what we are creating and that is the challenge for many in this world.

What are you creating? What is your genius? Where is your genius? There is a popular quote that has been attribute to the philospher Goethe, but in fact belongs Scottish explorer WH Murray. You probably know it. It's about "...boldness has genius, and magic in it...blah-blah-blah. I want to say officially, Genius has boldness! To be genius is to declare yourself as soul beyond worshipping idol gods of old, born to express the power and essence of soul.

It was once believed that artists and genius were madmen or madwomen. In truth, they were on a path of creative thought and living. Those chose to make up their own rules about how they saw themselves and life. They were labeled 'mad' by those who misunderstood them as the great teacher, speaker, and transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: "Great men are often misunderstood." I want to add, the misunderstood forgot they were great.

Today, we see thousands and thousands of people, millions, yearning to express their true talents and genius. They feel, dream, and work to create and bring their gifts to this world. TV Shows such as America's Got Talent, American Idol, reflect the human desire for sharing our gifts with a world audience. Are you someone who is expressing your gifts and talents with the world? If you are, then GREAT! That is the purpose of our lives: to express ourselves as living art, and enjoy the gift of creative expression. Isn't it such a great feeling to witness someone who enjoys what they do? Doesn't it make you feel good? Perhaps you know someone who loves the creative process so much they create a sense of timelessness around them. They create real light, awareness, and presence. That is boldness-and genius.

Are you someone who is hiding your gifts and struggling for the wildest dream? Perhaps you can look to a model of someone who has been successful with the creative process? Perhaps you need to go back and see what is lacking in your picture of success and dreams? I don't know.

So there is a genius to our soul, a boldness that happens daily living, whether big or small, known or unknown. That genius lies within all human beings, sometimes waiting, sometimes half-activated, drunken with one eye closed, and in some fully opened, operating on 'play.' It is an affirmation in action and word, yet more importantly, a thought.

Do you KNOW you are a genius? Can you feel it at sometimes? Can you feel the energy of your original expression and knowing? How will you use the boldness of your genius? What beliefs and ideas are preventing you from expressing your true creative force and genius?

To be continued...

Friday, July 24, 2009

The 'Ruth As I See It

The 'ruth as I see it doesn't always come how I want it. It runs across my mind in whispers. It slips silently through my dreams. It stands across the street hidden. It is 'mystery' because I cannot grasp it. It is That Which Cannot Be Seen. Well, it can and cannot. That is the 'ruth of it all. And yet, it is something I feel as I wake each day, yawning to the stars, slipping into a new a day. This is my 'ruth, I say.

And as I read these books written by people who I don't know, I find a chord created across worlds, realities, quite different from mine. I am slow to 'ruth it seems as I relish in other's accounts of knowing and understanding. I manage to work on their suggestions, at times, and others, I sleep. In sleep, I see the 'ruth of myself. I see 'something.'

His name is Catfish and he asked me the other day, "Are you a Christian?" and I paused for a moment and then tell him with a smile, "I am something...I don't know what that is...I am something..." Nobody can tell you what you are. There are no words to describe what the soul is, though words can become convenient symbols of a joyous Finity. I remembered our true identity is Infinite. Thanks Catfish!

Are you saved? Are you a Christian? What are you? They are asking themselves life's most profound questions. And for good reason. That is the joy of living. The power of mystery; getting to Know you through beliefs. It is a bliss to experience, and painful. Pain in terms of a neurological excitation of feeling, a throbbing in the loins, and thirst for experience, the anticipation of freedom, and silence of inner peace.

That's the 'ruth as I see it.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Psychic Declaration of Independence Part 1

Have you considered that you are paying for your beliefs and ideas about life at such a high or low price? Have you ever thought to yourself: Where did I buy these beliefs? You've been shopping all your life and in the early days, you didn't make a conscious choice to buy what you think. Yes, paying for what you think. We buy our thoughts and beliefs from others without even knowing it. The day we were born, people have been selling us beliefs after beliefs after beliefs. Wholesale, half-price, 10% discount, you name it, we have been sold it. And we have bought cheap and expensive-especially the most cherished ones.

And why did we buy them? Because they were advertised as worthy, important, and meaningful, and if we didn't buy them we were going to miss out on something valuable in life. So we bought them, all sorts of beliefs: religious, scientific, political, educational, so-called intellectual, etc. etc. We were consumers at an early age buying the beliefs and ideas of our parents and institutions. We were too young to question(at least we not taught to question the sellers!).

But then something happens along the way. We get older and we start wondering why our lives are not working, why certain aspects of our lives are utterly failing, why our relationships are broken, jobs are boring, schools are falling down, kids are unruly, and health is bad. We bought something without realizing what it was we were buying! We were sold something and used it for our own purposes because, again, we were told we NEEDED it. So what can you do, you who lives and survives off what you are buying and selling to others and yourselves each day.

Let not traditions, claims and facts of science, religion, media, and politics define or manipulate us; instead, let it be that there is a trusting self within so knowing, so capable, so magnificent, so courageous, so powerful enough to redefine its own experiences, and to create its own room of facts for us to live in!

Take 'em out of the books, and the seminars, the university halls, the boardrooms, the churches, and temples, let 'em fly all over the place, these so-called secrets of the ages, classics, esoteric wisdom, so that they may become our natural metaphysics, that rise from within the flesh of all those who are ready! And may no man or woman have to bow again to old gods, gurus, priests, and charlatans of truth!

Let us explore our cosmic selves and fly into worlds of unknown! Throw out the old beliefs and gather unto ourselves anew a joyous adventure full of power, love, truth, and beauty!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Existence is What Exists In Us

"The whole existence breathes, expands, inhales, exhales -- and if you can find the rhythm of existence and become one with the rhythm, you have attained."-Osho

Philosophers ask the questions, "What is real?" "What exists as real?" "Am I real?" "Do we really exist?" "Do other life forms exist?" Unfortunately, we have a canon of media literature, and classic literature, personal experience, dogma, philosphies, and religions that makes everything so confusing and difficult. Professors, poets, musicians, artists, entertainers, street hustlers dish out their educations and frameworks to willing minds and ears. It's a bitch to listen to. So I won't bother.

What I know is true for me is that existence is a feeling like a massive ocean wave of Energy that has been filled with many ideas and experiences both in the body and out of body. What I know is true about existence is that nobody can you tell whether you exist or not. Existence is Being. You have the impulse to Be Here. Your existence is the Impulse. It is an infinite impulse that resides within All Things.

Existence is what exists in us. What exists in you? What exists in me? If there is something that exists within you, then you exist. If there is nothing exists within you, then you exist. But how can that be? If you say, "Nothing exists within me. I am nobody," then you will experience 'no-thing' inside of you, whatever you perceive 'no-thing' to be.

Existence is creating a new you every moment of being. What exists within us is the infinite possibilities of consciousness. Consciousness is not simply Mind. Consciousness is more than Mind. Consciousness is an attribute of Soul. For example, when you look at a tree, you see what has been termed, 'tree' and you experience 'tree-ness' through perception and feeling.

But what is it that you are perceiving? Feeling? You are perceiving a form of consciousness that appears in many forms and performs various functions. The tree is a form of consciousness with infinite possibilities. Existence becomes perceive. What you perceive and think, exists in your world of experience.

Now all this talk of existence is not serious. Existence happens when you are totally in love. Playful. Engaged. Even when you are busy! Whether you believe it or not, you exist. Whatever exists in you, that is existence.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Undefinable Power of Being You

There is a greatness within the life of You, a creative power that cannot be defined by the barriers of your society; yet defined only by Your recognition of the unlimited potential within your being; no one else can do it for You. It is an exercise in remembering You are That which you seek, a laughing god in new flesh appearing in this time and space to express the joy and vitality of All There Is.

Though the world may be filled with chaos, tragedy, loss, and pain, there is a sacred part of Your being that is Untouchable. It is That which allows for the continuum of consciousness to exist no matter what the human experience. For thousands of years, this has been called 'spirit' or 'soul.' There is no name for it. Names are meaningless and only important to us. Beyond names lies an infinity of self, closed only to the limiting beliefs of the ego, an open system for willing gods.

Many seek to define our power, imposing their will upon us, creating roles for us: teachers, family, co-workers, society and tyrants. They want to place us in a corner of the box, in our thinking and expression, through laws and rules. Media is constantly telling us who to worship, adore, and respect while it sucks the $$ from our wallets. However, many are not so persuaded by such trivial beliefs no matter how important they make it seem.

YOUR LIFE IS YOURS TO DEFINE! No book, no teacher, no guru, religion, symbol, or belief can define what You are. You are making it all up! Yes, YOU, you are creating your life based upon what matters to you. You are making up your definitions of What Is and Is Not. YOU, YOU, YOU and YOU!!

There is no Mind like YOUR mind. There is no Life like YOUR life. Your life is your own definition. Your life is the Purpose. You don't have to search for it, find it, pay shit loads of money for it because you are breathing it! You are It! Remember that children's game Tag, well YOU are IT! And always have been...So be IT!