Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Genius Has Boldness Pt.2

Genius is natural and an expression of You. It is an ever-present part of our growth process and development as a species. It is developing our whole-brain and heart. Natural genius is using the abilities of our consciousnesss through a physical body. In this world, consciousness seeks to express joy and power of being as Experience. To experience the power of your being is to create a life based upon your natural genius.

Again, genius has boldness. As genius, you see the world different from others. You feel different, perceiving reality through a heightened perception of thought and energy. That is the essence of genius. Today, we live in world where millions of people are working together and individually to create a new world built on the natural genius within. Changing systems and structures, shifting complex ideas into simple ideas, and practical ways of using new ideas, are all part of courage of genius.

Frank Llyod Wright, the famous architect challenged Western designers of buildings for years through his new way of construction. Wright was by our standards now, a genius of interior design, but also a man who endured great turmoil and hardships. He fatherd six children, was known as a man of the town, or as they say in Spanish, bajamundo, one who sleeps around. His house was burned down by a male servant who killed seven people with an axe as the fire burned. He also went through divorce and other personal battles but never gave up. That was part of his genius. He probably wouldn't agree with me but even our challenges are part of the light and dark of natural genius.

Are you tinkering with your own ideas for constructing a personal reality that is unique, uplifting, and abundant? No two personal realities are alike though they maybe connected. Every individual is engaged in exploring reality using their beliefs and ideas as tools. And as you may know, what works for one genius may not work for another.

So part of this genius has boldness talk is to share with that we are not confined by official beliefs and myths of our world even though we may believe we are. The natural genius is eager to not just think outside the box, but to get rid of, change it, and create something else, something new, fresh, original. Do you get bored with hearing the same thing over and over like a bad commercial? Very little in our popular culture is original; creative, yes, but not original ideas.

The natural genius in You is ready to offer a different perspective, have a new experience of Itself, to express new ideas about Itself, that is often shocking and surprising to the ego. It has the courage, insight, knowing, capacity, power, strength, and most of all, love for the new life. And that is what tapping into this part of ourselves will offer. Your genius is your power self that is ready to fly at any given moment of existence. It is a way of being that is natural. It is not the nerdy kid who knows how to just fix puzzles, solve complex mathematical problems, play music, or whatever the challenge.

The natural genis is a housewife who creates a loving home for her children, the schoolteacher who passes knowledge to student, the grocery worker who assists customers, the waiter who takes care of hungry diners, the businessman who improves his community and world with new products. The examples are endless. There are people from all walks of life who are using their natural genius-without even knowing it.

Natural genius is exploring, creating, developing our whole selves through using our talents and gifts. It is questioning the answers that are seemingly our world models. Genius is play. It is that natural self that wants to play, imagine, and create according to our desires and fulfillment.

That's the gift of genius in You.

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