Friday, July 10, 2009

Existence is What Exists In Us

"The whole existence breathes, expands, inhales, exhales -- and if you can find the rhythm of existence and become one with the rhythm, you have attained."-Osho

Philosophers ask the questions, "What is real?" "What exists as real?" "Am I real?" "Do we really exist?" "Do other life forms exist?" Unfortunately, we have a canon of media literature, and classic literature, personal experience, dogma, philosphies, and religions that makes everything so confusing and difficult. Professors, poets, musicians, artists, entertainers, street hustlers dish out their educations and frameworks to willing minds and ears. It's a bitch to listen to. So I won't bother.

What I know is true for me is that existence is a feeling like a massive ocean wave of Energy that has been filled with many ideas and experiences both in the body and out of body. What I know is true about existence is that nobody can you tell whether you exist or not. Existence is Being. You have the impulse to Be Here. Your existence is the Impulse. It is an infinite impulse that resides within All Things.

Existence is what exists in us. What exists in you? What exists in me? If there is something that exists within you, then you exist. If there is nothing exists within you, then you exist. But how can that be? If you say, "Nothing exists within me. I am nobody," then you will experience 'no-thing' inside of you, whatever you perceive 'no-thing' to be.

Existence is creating a new you every moment of being. What exists within us is the infinite possibilities of consciousness. Consciousness is not simply Mind. Consciousness is more than Mind. Consciousness is an attribute of Soul. For example, when you look at a tree, you see what has been termed, 'tree' and you experience 'tree-ness' through perception and feeling.

But what is it that you are perceiving? Feeling? You are perceiving a form of consciousness that appears in many forms and performs various functions. The tree is a form of consciousness with infinite possibilities. Existence becomes perceive. What you perceive and think, exists in your world of experience.

Now all this talk of existence is not serious. Existence happens when you are totally in love. Playful. Engaged. Even when you are busy! Whether you believe it or not, you exist. Whatever exists in you, that is existence.

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