Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Undefinable Power of Being You

There is a greatness within the life of You, a creative power that cannot be defined by the barriers of your society; yet defined only by Your recognition of the unlimited potential within your being; no one else can do it for You. It is an exercise in remembering You are That which you seek, a laughing god in new flesh appearing in this time and space to express the joy and vitality of All There Is.

Though the world may be filled with chaos, tragedy, loss, and pain, there is a sacred part of Your being that is Untouchable. It is That which allows for the continuum of consciousness to exist no matter what the human experience. For thousands of years, this has been called 'spirit' or 'soul.' There is no name for it. Names are meaningless and only important to us. Beyond names lies an infinity of self, closed only to the limiting beliefs of the ego, an open system for willing gods.

Many seek to define our power, imposing their will upon us, creating roles for us: teachers, family, co-workers, society and tyrants. They want to place us in a corner of the box, in our thinking and expression, through laws and rules. Media is constantly telling us who to worship, adore, and respect while it sucks the $$ from our wallets. However, many are not so persuaded by such trivial beliefs no matter how important they make it seem.

YOUR LIFE IS YOURS TO DEFINE! No book, no teacher, no guru, religion, symbol, or belief can define what You are. You are making it all up! Yes, YOU, you are creating your life based upon what matters to you. You are making up your definitions of What Is and Is Not. YOU, YOU, YOU and YOU!!

There is no Mind like YOUR mind. There is no Life like YOUR life. Your life is your own definition. Your life is the Purpose. You don't have to search for it, find it, pay shit loads of money for it because you are breathing it! You are It! Remember that children's game Tag, well YOU are IT! And always have been...So be IT!

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