Friday, July 31, 2009

Psychic Declaration of Independence Part 2

"When the consciousness of the soul is ripe for disentanglement from the gross world, it enters the spiritual path and turns inwards...This is the first step in the involution of consciousness, which is striving for liberation from the burden of impressions."-Meher Baba, excerpt from God Speaks

I, hereby, declare today a psychic independence from a Society of Media, Science, Politics, and Religion. I declare my independence from a world invested in thousands of years in Fear. Why must I allow any Race, Culture, Society, School, and Institution to tell me what Being is? Why must I continue to allow other human beings to say what I am, tell me what I am? Why must I suffer each day under the psychic projections and guises of others who assume they know what I am and therefore place me in the false hierarchy of Society?
Media, writers, producers, directors, scientists, and businessmen gathering quietly in lighted rooms writing, shaping, editing, directing, organizing MY LIFE, MY SKIN, MY EXISTENCE, MY BEING. How dare these blind creatures of old and new convene and assume they can dictate the journey and life I live!
Schools, teachers, principals, classmates gathering in the name of Education; though they claim to know the life I will create using their Data, ready to certify my Knowledge with their Religion, Science, Politics and Economics , I denounce their need of Approval and Acceptance. I declare Myself as I Am and Choose To Be. How do you know what I will become? How do you know what I will choose to be? On what basis have you decided what I am to be in this life and forever? At what point did you see my future?
I, who was a child of limiting worn-out Ideas & Beliefs, given to me, by Society, searched for a World I can call my own. To You, so-called Teachers of principles who only lived as agents of The System: though I fumbled in the darkness of Achievement, I rose to the light of Oneness.
Man and Society cannot predict what Time begets. It cannot control the Experience of Soul, of Me.
Churches, ministers, preachers, reverends, you breathe fire into the words of The Book, and still you cannot explain the connection between the Heart and Brain. You ignore Reason, most of You, and climb instead upon the Ladder of your God, breaking bread, shouting words of Jesus the Christ, and God-men and women of old using the Word to understand Man and your times while you silently sit in prayer with unsettled minds.
Waking up, you do on a day of God, your sacred morning and evening, ready to preach your Sermon as hundreds gather and affirm with Amen in their hearts; you secretly snatch faithful little girls and boys, while displaying in front all your religious toys. What is hell, but your lies told? What is Heaven, but a Disneyland pie-in-the-sky sold?
Historians, writers, archivists, printers recording the events of Man, you sit and gather facts with your hands, missing and famous persons, civilizations, objects, you find, What is history, your collections of Man’s living in his perception of Time?
Histories of Life in a world ever-changing each day, historians work to make sense of what happened yesterday as futurists look into tomorrow’s history, living is lost and knowing is mystery. Still souls dying in their time seek to capture a taste of physical reality and seeking a peace of mind. They live with their stories that never seems to change, just the space between their names, forms, people, objects rearrange like furniture moving through a House in Time; historians collect what we experience and remember with Mind.
So People of this probable Earth, I release myself from the slavery of beliefs, limiting ideas, and stand out with arms wide open in a world of conspiracies of self! And you will find I AM THAT I AM and what I desire is mine. This flesh that I wear, this mind I use, this soul I dress, a lovely, magnificent wonderful disguise, may release today old beliefs. People of the Races, you who feel trapped in chemical clothes, you who define yourselves with your highs and lows, games & names, cars & bars, I ask of you: are you ready to declare your independence?
Limit ME, limit YOU.
I am not That.
I am What I Choose To Be:

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