Sunday, July 12, 2009

Psychic Declaration of Independence Part 1

Have you considered that you are paying for your beliefs and ideas about life at such a high or low price? Have you ever thought to yourself: Where did I buy these beliefs? You've been shopping all your life and in the early days, you didn't make a conscious choice to buy what you think. Yes, paying for what you think. We buy our thoughts and beliefs from others without even knowing it. The day we were born, people have been selling us beliefs after beliefs after beliefs. Wholesale, half-price, 10% discount, you name it, we have been sold it. And we have bought cheap and expensive-especially the most cherished ones.

And why did we buy them? Because they were advertised as worthy, important, and meaningful, and if we didn't buy them we were going to miss out on something valuable in life. So we bought them, all sorts of beliefs: religious, scientific, political, educational, so-called intellectual, etc. etc. We were consumers at an early age buying the beliefs and ideas of our parents and institutions. We were too young to question(at least we not taught to question the sellers!).

But then something happens along the way. We get older and we start wondering why our lives are not working, why certain aspects of our lives are utterly failing, why our relationships are broken, jobs are boring, schools are falling down, kids are unruly, and health is bad. We bought something without realizing what it was we were buying! We were sold something and used it for our own purposes because, again, we were told we NEEDED it. So what can you do, you who lives and survives off what you are buying and selling to others and yourselves each day.

Let not traditions, claims and facts of science, religion, media, and politics define or manipulate us; instead, let it be that there is a trusting self within so knowing, so capable, so magnificent, so courageous, so powerful enough to redefine its own experiences, and to create its own room of facts for us to live in!

Take 'em out of the books, and the seminars, the university halls, the boardrooms, the churches, and temples, let 'em fly all over the place, these so-called secrets of the ages, classics, esoteric wisdom, so that they may become our natural metaphysics, that rise from within the flesh of all those who are ready! And may no man or woman have to bow again to old gods, gurus, priests, and charlatans of truth!

Let us explore our cosmic selves and fly into worlds of unknown! Throw out the old beliefs and gather unto ourselves anew a joyous adventure full of power, love, truth, and beauty!

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