Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Genius Has Boldness Pt. 1

Lately, I've been pondering the idea of human talent and genius. But I want to start off by saying that every human soul who has ever lived on this earth, has a talent or gift. And I mean every. Even if it is a bit crude, unpolished, amateurish, weird, unheard, freakish, or undefined. There is something to be said about the human soul and the diverse expression of our talents and at heart, our genius. Are you a genius in human disguise? Are you someone who desires to unleash your creative spirit unto the world? Or do you want to explore your gifts in a new way?

The soul is creative and consciousness diverse. Has been and always will be ad infinitum. That is the power of All There Is. No matter how bad things seem, and even good things get, we are creative souls. We enjoy making up things, learning about things, developing things, creating, and destroying them. We are obsessed with ourselves and each other.

That is our nature: to create. We are co-creators of the Grand Illusion. We enjoy what we create when we create it as we are creating it. However, we are not always aware of what we are creating and that is the challenge for many in this world.

What are you creating? What is your genius? Where is your genius? There is a popular quote that has been attribute to the philospher Goethe, but in fact belongs Scottish explorer WH Murray. You probably know it. It's about "...boldness has genius, and magic in it...blah-blah-blah. I want to say officially, Genius has boldness! To be genius is to declare yourself as soul beyond worshipping idol gods of old, born to express the power and essence of soul.

It was once believed that artists and genius were madmen or madwomen. In truth, they were on a path of creative thought and living. Those chose to make up their own rules about how they saw themselves and life. They were labeled 'mad' by those who misunderstood them as the great teacher, speaker, and transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: "Great men are often misunderstood." I want to add, the misunderstood forgot they were great.

Today, we see thousands and thousands of people, millions, yearning to express their true talents and genius. They feel, dream, and work to create and bring their gifts to this world. TV Shows such as America's Got Talent, American Idol, reflect the human desire for sharing our gifts with a world audience. Are you someone who is expressing your gifts and talents with the world? If you are, then GREAT! That is the purpose of our lives: to express ourselves as living art, and enjoy the gift of creative expression. Isn't it such a great feeling to witness someone who enjoys what they do? Doesn't it make you feel good? Perhaps you know someone who loves the creative process so much they create a sense of timelessness around them. They create real light, awareness, and presence. That is boldness-and genius.

Are you someone who is hiding your gifts and struggling for the wildest dream? Perhaps you can look to a model of someone who has been successful with the creative process? Perhaps you need to go back and see what is lacking in your picture of success and dreams? I don't know.

So there is a genius to our soul, a boldness that happens daily living, whether big or small, known or unknown. That genius lies within all human beings, sometimes waiting, sometimes half-activated, drunken with one eye closed, and in some fully opened, operating on 'play.' It is an affirmation in action and word, yet more importantly, a thought.

Do you KNOW you are a genius? Can you feel it at sometimes? Can you feel the energy of your original expression and knowing? How will you use the boldness of your genius? What beliefs and ideas are preventing you from expressing your true creative force and genius?

To be continued...

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